Any deals on Oly BB weight sets?


Nov 4, 2007
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I live in the Caribbean so I need to have a set shipped down. There's got to be a better deal than what I've found at $240 for a 300lb. set.

I need the barbell but not DBs.

Any help?
Do you need plates, or just the bar? Shipping 300lbs. of plates is going to be enormously expensive. If you just want a decent bar you're still going to be looking at over $200 easily once it's shipped out to the islands.
Do you need plates, or just the bar? Shipping 300lbs. of plates is going to be enormously expensive. If you just want a decent bar you're still going to be looking at over $200 easily once it's shipped out to the islands.

I have containers coming down with construction materials shipping from Florida and also Puerto Rico.

I need a set of plates and BB. Im thinking if I can get the set shipped to Florida I can load it on a pallet in the container.

Seems like a lot of fitness distributors include (standard) shipping in their prices.
Hell I can't even find a good deal and I live in the US.
Hell I can't even find a good deal and I live in the US.

It seems like a few years ago Dick's sporting goods had a 300lb. set for around $100. Not any more.

I dont even care too much about the quality of plates although Ive read stories about cheaper chrome barbells flaking.

Guess Ill be spending some more time with my shitty Weider set and makeshift barbell.:icon_sad: