Antifa the real racist nazis attack jews in NYC

Huuuh? When? What states? Post some links. Why wasn’t this covered by mainstream media?

Either way I can assure you that Trump supporters don’t agree with that nonsense.

The majority do not, you are correct. His language though attracts Neo-Nazi late as they feel he secretly talks to them.
Sir, it is confirmed that Boogaloo Bois have been going to riots impersonating Antifa. I can post arrest records if you like?
This is something that needs saying in every thread about BLM and Antifa.
Antifa is terrible, but we've had nearly half a dozen synagogue shootings in Trump's first term alone, by far-right anti-immigration hardliners whose ideologies have been strongly Neo-Nazi when not outright Neo-Nazi, so let's not get carried away.

I guess the difference is in those threads, you don't have half a dozen guys who support Neo-Nazi groups running interference for them. You have a group of guys in this thread who openly support the domestic terrorism group known as antifa.
Antifa, like Nazis, are far left group that doesn’t tolerate differences of opinion

Are ppl really surprised by this?

I don't even use far-left or radical left anymore. It is the entire left that has become the problem. They have all been supporting this bullying and intimidation either directly or indirectly by joining the violent mobs, bailing out the criminals, blaming Trump for this unruly behavior, lying or believing, perpetuating the media's lies or rationalizing the violence of Antifa and BLM. The full-retardation has been going on for over 4 years now and there is rarely a word from the left criticizing this nonsense. At this point, the entire left is the problem. They have let this infection fester and grow for far too long and now the left is a mob of tyrants.
Absolutely wrong and that’s just your sad interpretation.

oh so you think his waiting until very last opportune time to disavow anyone connected to racist language is normal? He does it because he wants to seem to be forced into saying it.
I know, any critism gets this reply.


Hey man, I didnt offer any criticism. Just comparing what you said to the same justification that Hitler used. Carry on my antisemtic son. They'll be peace when you are done.

Hey man, I didnt offer any criticism. Just comparing what you said to the same justification that Hitler used. Carry on my antisemtic son. They'll be peace when you are done.

Hitler was a vegatarian too so I guess that sums it up. Solid logic bro. Keep up the good work.
Impossible, Antfia is just an "idea"...
I guess the difference is in those threads, you don't have half a dozen guys who support Neo-Nazi groups running interference for them. You have a group of guys in this thread who openly support the domestic terrorism group known as antifa.
Lol. You are parroting propaganda from a pathological liar.

Name one terrorist attack by Antifa.

I'll wait....
Antifa are fascist racist dirtbags. Most people realize this now.
Hitler was a vegatarian too so I guess that sums it up. Solid logic bro. Keep up the good work.

You'er a vegetarian? No wonder you're so frustrated. Have a burger. You'll feel better.

In all seriousness, I agree with you. I just like trolling when it comes to the subject. All serious debate gets labeled and shut down. There is a reason they want to keep the jewish holocaust at the forefront of people's minds, while horrible events like the Armenian geonocide get no press whatsoever. Sad. I dont even try to argue with people about Israel anymore. I think any real patriot would get pissed if they googled how many Israeli soldiers were apart of the coalition to overthrow Saddam. F em. shrug.