antidepressants and gaining


Orange Belt
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Does anyone here know if antidepressants(ssri) will have any effect on being able to gain muscle or strength, or whether they lower test, or anything like that? I know alot of people have opinions on antidepressant medication, and mental disorders, and that's cool, but really I'm only interested in how they affect strength and size gains. Thanks.
noahfor said:
Does anyone here know if antidepressants(ssri) will have any effect on being able to gain muscle or strength, or whether they lower test, or anything like that? I know alot of people have opinions on antidepressant medication, and mental disorders, and that's cool, but really I'm only interested in how they affect strength and size gains. Thanks.

I haven't heard of any negative or positive link between muscle gain and using antidepressant drugs.
noahfor said:
Does anyone here know if antidepressants(ssri) will have any effect on being able to gain muscle or strength, or whether they lower test, or anything like that? I know alot of people have opinions on antidepressant medication, and mental disorders, and that's cool, but really I'm only interested in how they affect strength and size gains. Thanks.

This is another one of those I think would really be best addressed to someone with an MD behind their name.
Do you think a pharmacist would know? The doctors I see seem like they don't know anything? I'll ask anyway.
I know that weight gain is a possible side effect of antidepressants. Im not sure if it has an effect on gaining strength or muscle. I think you will have to ask a doctor. Maybe a mod knows?
noahfor said:
Do you think a pharmacist would know? The doctors I see seem like they don't know anything? I'll ask anyway.

There are just so many different classes of antidepressants.

What doctor did you ask? The doctor who prescribed it? A psychiatrist? I'm surprised they wouldn't know, they are MD's.
A lot of anti-depressants have effects on your appetite...for example i'm on paxil-CR and it supresses my appetite so it's hard to eat enough protein and calories to meet my training needs.
Paxil is the one I was just prescribed. I'll either be taking that or effexor. I don't see a psychiatrist, just a family doctor.
Hey noah, I'm no doc but if those medications don't work for you, ask your doc about 5-htp. ***DON'T take it while on the medication.

I was reading around on some other forums, and people have said their medication didn't do jack for them, but supplementing 5-htp actually helped them. And it's helluva a lot cheaper.
Thanks. I'll give that a try before I decide to start medication.
I would have thought the lifting might help the depression (someone what to say it).