Why? Unless you live near one what's the big deal? Are they really that loud?
They are breeding ground for extremism.. Recerntly there was a documentary in Denmark on the mosques where they had people go undercover..
Imams were filmed
-Telling people to beat their children (illegal in Denmark) if they don´t pray
-Telling women they have to have sex with their husbands even when the husband beats them
-Told people to not take jobs and to cheat on their welfare
-Telling people that Sharia is above danish law
About 90% of the muslims who went to fight for ISIS were regulars of the same mosque in Denmark..
Now one would think that things like this would be reason for selfcriticism and reflection. All the Imams did was moan about how horrible denmark is and how they are being treated sooo unfairly.
Now in Denmark muslims make up roughly 4% of the population.. They account for 24% of all crime, 35% of rapes and some violent crimes up to 90%.. Make up roughly 30% of the prison population.. This is pretty much the same all over Europe.
Employment numbers are also horrendous.
Average danish citizens have 9 convictions pr 1000 people pr year
Muslims have around 55-60, with the worst group being Somalis with 130.
Muslims and their mosques are a huge problem in the west.