Another injury question.


Seauxthern Dead
Jun 12, 2007
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So as most of you know I'm recovering (am I? It seems to go so SLOW) from some shoulder injuries, one of which is an AC separation.

My question is this: if something doesn't directly HURT, can I still do it? I'm dying from inactivity, and I can hardly press at all, so all I've been doing is squats and other assorted things that don't feel like they're hurting my shoulder. My question is, despite the fact that squats don't really hurt, I know that putting 350-plus pounds on my shoulders puts pressure on them. Can the pressure of weight fuck up my recovery even if it doesn't "hurt"?

I want to remain as active as possible, and so have been running, jumping, passing, squatting, and doing various rows and assistance stuff...
Yeah, I think you should be ok. If you have a safety squat bar available, you might want to look into that.
Sure, but be careful. Just because it doesn't hurt while you're doing it, doesn't mean that you're not potentially over-working something that's still healing.

I'd only train to the point of where you KNOW that you will not be sore. It's better to take care of yourself NOW than re-injure yourself and pay for it 2x as long later.

Good luck recovering :)
Every time I'm injured my doctor says it is OK to exercise as long as I don't feel pain...

The problem is that registering pain while under that much stress is very hard. Your entire consciousness is focused on the weight and on activating your muscles. I know that my body almost stops feeling it when I'm pushing myself.

I've had my elbow pop out and back in again because I was armbarred, and I didn't feel any pain until later.

On top of that my pain threshold is high to start with...
Just do light weight exercises. Start off with really light weights, sure the other guys will think you are a panzy but just tell them that you are rehabing an injury. Work your way up to more weight as the weeks go on. SLOWLY
I'm currently recovering from a shoulder dislocation, I know how boring it is just doing leg work.... I cant even squat yet, just machines, boring as hell, I've started doing dumbell snatches as someone on these boards suggested to try and keep some of my strength. You should be fine if it's not hurting, but you could be risking injuring it again, just because it isn't hurting doesn't mean you won't do something that will injure it. Are you seeing a physio or excersise physioologist or something? They'd be in a much better position to tell you what you should and shouldn't do. I'm currently doing band work to strengthen my shoulder, pretty boring, but needs to be done if I want to recover properly. Its probably not the same for an AC separation though, so I'd go and see a sports therapist or someone who specialises in that kind of thing rather than just a doctor. Good luck with it
Good thread. I'm recovering from inflammation and it's going rather well right now. I haven't really worked out (except that I effed up rotator cuffs by too heavy isolation work long ago) but I wanna start sometime this summer. Presently doing rehab.

Think I may start by doing deadlifts/squats and wait with benching and pressing. BOR, bodyweight chins & pull/ups ain't that bad for rotator cuffs or? I'm gonna take it easy, as suggested.

With AC seperation you really want to make sure that you are not impinging when you put your arm above your head (ie. tingling and numbness).

If you are, then you need to concentrate on scapular setting, and postural work. This is probably the mot important side of your rehab. I would not reccomend doing any heavy presses for a while.

It also depends on when you were injured?
i too have alot of shoulder issues and was wondering the same thing, right now i do light squats every workout(below 50% of 1rm) and try to do my rows and pulls for high reps.' with very low weight, the worst exersize by far is benching which i have to use 10-15pounds dumbells and go really slow to avoid discomfort, :icon_cry2
I'm still sticking with what I said before, talk to a physio or sports therapist or a professional who specialises in that kind of thing, its been almost 2 months since I dislocated me shoulder and I'm still not lifting. Physio has me doing band work and scapula control exercises and also some seated machine rows, tying in with the scap control. I asked him if i could do free weight rows but he said not yet. So speak to a professional about it, none of us here are professionals, and even if we were, we cant physically see how your injury is coming along. Good luck with it, hope it gets better soon