Ankle Sprain strengthening


Blue Belt
May 17, 2007
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Hey guys, I sprained my ankle last saturday from a fall from rock climbing. No snaps, or pops or anything. Just still bruised with some swelling. Anyways, I've been pretty fortunate for training and playing sports all my life, just only had a few sprains and no other real injuries. I was wondering if anyone knows any exercises I can do after my ankle feels better to strengthen the area if possible. Would it be advisable also to hit the bike the next few weeks instead of running? Thanks
Wait until the swelling is gone and do some 1 leg squats or jump rope, basically anything that puts each ankle under varying angles of strain.

I rolled my ankle in a fight and finishedt the damn thing. It took me about 6 weeks for the swelling to go all the way down and walk properly and another 3-5 weeks until I could kick on it again. Even now its ok, but it makes some funky old sounds when I roll it

The key is to wait and build up and work on the stabilising muscles around that ankle
One legged squats and impact from skipping is pretty advanced depending on the level of sprain.

Can you fully weight bear on it?

Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation until the swelling has gone down.

After that start easy. Try balancing on one leg. if you can do that no problem then do it with your eyes closed.

This will help no end with proprioception in the ankle joint and all your supporting muscles will be firing like crazy to keep you upright!

Best thing is to see a specialist though. We're not gonna be able to assess shit over the net!
wow thanks guys for the advice, I can put weight on it, and stand on it by itself with some minor discomfort. I was reading up and the wikipedia bruising matches exactly with mine.


I'm definitely going to include those exercises mentioned in my routine now. I was hoping to wait a few days and to see how its heals before hitting a specialist. But won't be stubborn about it. Thanks again for the advice and training tips!