Anita Sarkeesian is one bold mofo

Women can get away with pretty much whatever they want these days. Equal rights = 10x more rights for women. Drown your baby?! You poor soul!! Probably that cis gender male scum around you made you do it. Rape rape rape. Fuck it must be nice to get away with murder and rape accusations all willy nilly because you don't like someone, should do a Bruce and switch my gender so I can kill people I don't like.

The time for these 3rd wave feminists honoring their disgusting ways will be coming to an end. First in Europe as Islam will crush these parasites without a regard to political correctness. Behind the burqua, these feminists will realize what true subjugation feels like.

And here in the US, you are already seeing the decline in PC and feminism. The push back has begun. The Hispanic population, if they become the majority, will also not be putting up with this feminist nonsense. Feminism will fail because it's unnatural. Traditional Western Patriarchy is the most safe, logical, and natural order for society to live under.
This is the kind of boldness you want to teach your children.

If they go into politics, journalism or become a lawyer it will serve them well.

Instilling the psyche of the "snake oil salesman" into youth is patriotic and rewarding.

It is the complete acceptance and favor of oligarchical servitude.

Know your place, I agree ignorance is bliss.
I don't like the whole gofundme rubbish, especially with dogs (pets) even here on sherdog.

Not sure which is true and which isn't.

I mean i can even take a pic of my friends dog with a cast on and start a thread saying i need money for its treatment.

Virgil needs that #FuckMoney.:)
The Amazing Atheist (nutjob, not here to debate him) and others asked people to donate to a real women's charity as a response. Consider donating.
Fuck that scam artist cunt.

I've never seen a scam artist that's so unapologetic and bold. It's quite incredible. She started that gofundme like 4-5 years ago to fund her making 12 YouTube videos (dunno why you need funds to make a YouTube video) about women in games and gaming. Since then I think she's made 3-4 of the promised videos. This is one of the things she's often criticized about since she raised way more than she requested (almost $160k).

You'd think she'd continue to take her time in releasing these videos, but NOPE. It seems she just said "fuck it" and now has moved onto a new gofundme project. Now she requests $200k to make a video series about women in history. That takes some balls. It's actually impressive to embrace the scam artist image like that.

Whether you like her or not, you have to admire that type of boldness lol

Nothing impressive, televangelist's have been doing it for decades and for MUCH larger sums. Anita's just a dumb cunt...IRS is already on her ass. She should have done her homework better.
Do you guys think it's possible Anita was never concerned about women in gaming or feminism and this was just an elaborate scam from the beginning?

Yup, and there's evidence of that.
Nothing impressive, televangelist's have been doing it for decades and for MUCH larger sums. Anita's just a dumb cunt...IRS is already on her ass. She should have done her homework better.
I'm just impressed that she's no longer trying to hide it and is still getting money.

Tell me more about the her and the IRS.