Anime convention at work... who knew there'd be so many hot girls?

We had an anime convention at one of the hotels I work at and I've never seen so many gorgeous girls with below average boyfriends. It must be a record. We have so many different conventions here. Every weekend, there's some type of convention. Sometimes multiple conventions in one weekend.

Some of the girls I've seen were INSANELY hot 10 out of 10s

Let me get this straight. You had no idea anime conventions would attract hot cosplay girls?

Good cosplay aims to match the body type of the character. Some will say "it's ok for fat people to try cosplay too! It's your imagination!" But the reality is deviation from the stock portrayal draws attention, usually negatively, and anime fans are going to not so subtly insult girls trying to portray a character they look nothing like. Anime characters tend to be thin, petite and attractive

So while everyone can dress up, the only ones you will remember will be the attractive ones

Come to think of it, Halcon is next week. There is always a crop of hundreds of chicks dressed in cosplay with their tits out on halcon week.

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What do hot chicks enjoy? Attention!

What better way to get the attention of 100s if not 1000s of guys than to be a scantily clad hot chick at a convention full of uglier chicks and a ton of dudes?
A girl at work was like this so I know they exist in the wild.
She had a smoking body - skinny, tasteful fake tits - and a pretty face.
She loved gaming, cos play, was a regular DM and hosted weekly events etc. Dressed up like a massive slut at all these events.
She loved attention but also loved the scene, so good on her.
No payment or stripping either she was a working professional in mining.
There are a surprising number of hot chicks at anime and comic book conventions.

oddly enough the place where i've seen the most hot women per-capita was at Burning man