Andy Ogle v Josh Grispi - UFC on fuel 7


Brown Belt
Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Looking forward to this, hopefully Ogle takes it, who you got?
I'll definitely be hoping Ogle gets it, he put on a great fight against Coarrasani and could have got the nod.

Tough as am a good fan of Grispi too!
dunno how u can be excited about this...Grispi is a flake
I think Ogle will win and Grispi finally gets cut. Hate to see that but if you can't win, you can't win! Might do wonders for Grispi if he faces some regional competition and get his confidence back up and maybe tries for a another run a few years down the road.
I like Ogle so glad he got another shot, Grispi fell so far its crazy.
Ogle was seriously robbed against Corassani and he seems like a good guy. Hope he gets some good luck against Grispi
another winnable fight for Grispi that he will probably lose. should be entertaining though
It's going to be tough for Ogle but it's definitely winnable.

Loser leaves town I think.
I trained with Andy a few times last year before he went for TUF, dudes a beast, he tapped me 6 times in a 3 minute roll :(
I still have a bitter taste in my mouth from Ogle's fight to get into the TUF house. Got caught in a triangle in like 20 seconds. Hammerfisted from the top the entire round because the guy he was fighting lacked the experience and skill to finish the technique, so Ogle got the decision, but I was very upset.

Grispi has kind of soured himself in my mind with his last few performances. Can't deny that he has shown some pretty decent skills before those though.

Difficult fight to call, but I give Grispi the edge. More complete grappling should ultimately lead him to a UD.
Big fan of Grispi and not giving up the hope, if he can get back in the same mental state as in the WEC he can be a solid top tier fighter again. I'll be optimistic and pick him to win a 3rd round (T)KO.
I quite like Ogle, seemed like a genuinely nice guy when he was on TUF. I'm pulling for him.

This is definitely a must-win for Grispi though.
I'm surprised Grispi still has a job.

Why? Sure he's 0-3 in the UFC but he was one of the top dogs in the WEC before it was merged. I think he's earned his fourth shot just based on his prior standing.

Of course if he loses this there won't be much of an argument to keep him.
I remember when Grispi was the 'next big thing'.