Google Translate: " According to professor dórea, Anderson felt the cinnamon when kicked in the beginning of the fight."
Anderson felt the cinnamon. This should enter Sherdog's lexicon much like "the eggplant will salute other pigeons."
Google Translate: " According to professor dórea, Anderson felt the cinnamon when kicked in the beginning of the fight."
Anderson felt the cinnamon. This should enter Sherdog's lexicon much like "the eggplant will salute other pigeons."
Did he really, or are you just saying a bunch of #2?He did not attend the post press, as he had to be hurried to the hospital. Apparently he was in pain from the first kick in the very first round... I hope he can recover from this injury.
Shin and cinnamon are the same word in portuguese, canela.
canela means both cinnamon and shinbone in portugueseGoogle Translate: " According to professor dórea, Anderson felt the cinnamon when kicked in the beginning of the fight."
Anderson felt the cinnamon. This should enter Sherdog's lexicon much like "the eggplant will salute other pigeons."
woops beat me to it. I was trying to find the word for canela in english lolShin and cinnamon are the same word in portuguese, canela.
By context it's pretty obvious cinnamon was the correct translation thoughShin and cinnamon are the same word in portuguese, canela.
The worst is that damn imitation cinnamon. Like in Red Hots, or Big Red gum. Damn canker sores.Google Translate: " According to professor dórea, Anderson felt the cinnamon when kicked in the beginning of the fight."
Anderson felt the cinnamon. This should enter Sherdog's lexicon much like "the eggplant will salute other pigeons."