anaerobic vs aerobic

Stewart Kwong

Yellow Belt
Professional Fighter
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
i tried the search function but its not working right so i was wondering.. if your getting ready for a fight would a long distance run at a slow pace be as beneficial as sprints. all i'm doing are sprints 3x a week right now w/ no aerobic running. should i be throwing in at least one day into the mix? thx.
Also can someone explain Anaerobic cardio to me? I don't really get the concept...
anaerobic is cardio with your heart rate out of the aerobic zone, meaning faster. the exercise is more intense and your body cant get enough oxygen to the muscles in time because the demand is so high, forcing you to do it without oxygen, which is the meaning of "anaerobic" (without oxygen).
Brand Nizzle said:
Also can someone explain Anaerobic cardio to me? I don't really get the concept...

If you have a good aerobic base then Anaerobic is the way to go. Stick to the sprints because your fight will be 95% Anaerobic.
Easiest way to show anaerobic from aerobic is to open and close your fists. Get a partner. One will open and close nice and slowly while the other will do fast. You will see who gives first. Anaerobic you dont give your muscles time for oxygen to get at them. Therefore the slower moving fists will last longer.
cbdk said:
If you have a good aerobic base then Anaerobic is the way to go. Stick to the sprints because your fight will be 95% Anaerobic.

We have seen this thread done a few times. I predict what will happen. First 60% of the posters will say anaerobic is all you need dude! A fight is all anaerobic! Then the 20% endorfin junkies will come and say "no way noob! that is a mistake, longdistance is the way to go! start to run marathons dude, it get you riped", then the last sensible 20% will chime in and say "the best is to do both, but dont start going crazy with the long distance". I belong to the last group. You need both but still the anaerobic stuff will be more important. Personaly I recomend a "longer" run about every 2-4 week, 10-15km, otherwise I think you should keep your focus on 4-6km on your aerobic days and keep them intense.
4-6km is my normal running distance and I consider that long :p. Nothing better then that to get you wheezing.
The rest of the time I personally do sprints of different intensities with varying rest intervals to work different capacities and functions of training.
I wrote it somewhere in this forum, let me look

here it is
cbdk said:
If you have a good aerobic base then Anaerobic is the way to go. Stick to the sprints because your fight will be 95% Anaerobic.

Dude u are WRONG!

If u do ur warmup right ur fight shoud be be 95% aerobic. That meens that ur musels use O2+carbs,

If u start a fight with out warming up then u gas after 3min and use Anaerobic state.
BillyMMA said:
Dude u are WRONG!

If u do ur warmup right ur fight shoud be be 95% aerobic. That meens that ur musels use O2+carbs,

If u start a fight with out warming up then u gas after 3min and use Anaerobic state.
BillyMMA said:
Dude u are WRONG!

If u do ur warmup right ur fight shoud be be 95% aerobic. That meens that ur musels use O2+carbs,

If u start a fight with out warming up then u gas after 3min and use Anaerobic state.

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