anaconda's latest tournament :(


Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Alright so like Balto, I competed at the Copa Nova this past weekend. Unlike Balto I did very poorly. Since my very first competition this is the first time I don't get a 1st or 2nd place medal (I got third after winning only one fight - boo). This was my 8th tournament I think, maybe 9th.

Anyway, I fought in the blue belt heavy (200+) and the blue belt absolute. I won my first fights in each decisively and lost my second fight in each by sub. In the second match in my weight division I actually got choked the F out - so watch the video for that if nothing else. Without further ado:

Heres my first match in my division (I'm the one with the normal gi :) ) I dominated but just couldnt finish. He didnt really try to escape just to defend. To be honest I got kind of bored half way through because it felt like he wasnt trying. If my coach wasnt there I may have just stood back up. In the end I went to the bottom to try a kimura or something but time ran out.

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Second fight. One of the major reasons I did this tournament was to see how I felt standing up ( I hardly train standup). I almost get the takedown but he counters nicely. I get the sweep and start working the pass (my passing was really bad that day; hips were always high, not working my game, not going to combat base, etc). Anyway, he got a cross collar choke from bottom of half guard and I guess with his super grip he managed to put me to sleep :( Very strange feeling; woke up thinking "Oh shit, I have a tournament to go to today!"

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First match in the absolute: I was a little pissed about getting choked out so I said "screw the standup." I pulled guard and swept immediately and started working for subs. Got one in the end.

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My last match. Basically I gassed out. He had a great overhook control and was good at breaking my posture. Like I said my top game felt kind of shitty that day and I couldnt even get to combat base. I find it so ironic that I got tapped from the bottom twice in one tournament when I rarely get tapped from the bottom in practice. C'est la vie.

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Overall this has been my worst performance since my first tournament. A little upsetting but I kind of feel glad to get this loss out of the way before the mundials. I know what I need to do and I know that I really need to work on my cardio so I can constantly attack. Its when I start to get lazy that I get caught. My first match in the absolute is what I need to do - just start working my game immediately and never let up. But first I need the cardio.

I also had kind of a bad mindset going in. I had a feeling that I wasn't going to do well and that maybe I was "due" or a loss or something. Going in with that mentality is never good. Didnt train too well in the weeks leading up, super busy with school and work, etc. But live and learn.

As always, comments/critique are welcome. And btw, my coach is awesome - anyone who thinks its a bad thing to have him yelling like that needs to compete a little more. You have no idea how much it helps you and how much it disrupts the other guy.
Better than me, i lost both of my third place matches this weekend.
good sweeps, work some more judo, its a huge advantage if u get a good throw and land in someones side control from the get-go, almost got that uchi-mata in ur 2nd vid ;)
good sweeps, work some more judo, its a huge advantage if u get a good throw and land in someones side control from the get-go, almost got that uchi-mata in ur 2nd vid ;)

almost only counts in horseshoes :)

I really would love to work judo but I dont have time or the place to do it. If I had drilled the uchi-mata I'm sure I would have gotten it. I basically only went through it in my head and tried it like twice on Wednesday. Hopefully I'll be able to take some classes in the summer or next fall. Thanks though.
Better than me, i lost both of my third place matches this weekend.

thats the worst, isnt it. for me 3rd and second are almost the same - you beat everyone except for one guy. Luck of the draw could have made you second or third. First is what were all really after anyway, isnt it? :)
Good positional dominance. Have you ever tried the Saulo half guard pass? (hips on the ground facing backwards pushing against his bottom leg)

What was up with that first guy's tie dye pants?

Thanks for sharing...
Good matches keep up the good work. Is the beard a religious thing or is your girl really into Grizzly Adams.
That first dude should be ashamed of his gi. Embarassing.
i agree man work ur standup and that will help ur bjj game exponentially. big guy like u work your cheap big guy takedowns. start makkikoming guys.
Good matches keep up the good work. Is the beard a religious thing or is your girl really into Grizzly Adams.

haha neither. I just havent cleaned it up in a long time. Usually my beard is trimmed real short and my hair isnt such a mess lol. But I think it helps intimidate my opponents.
Good positional dominance. Have you ever tried the Saulo half guard pass? (hips on the ground facing backwards pushing against his bottom leg)

What was up with that first guy's tie dye pants?

Thanks for sharing...

Its weird - I worked my guard game a LOT for the first couple years of jiu-jitsu. Recently (for the past 3 months or so) I've been working hard on my top game to balance it out - I've been passing exclusively from combat base, or at least with putting a knee up. What I learned from this tournament is that obviously the knee up passing hasn't become part of my muscle memory yet.

Same thing goes for the saulo pass. I've been using it a lot lately in class but I guess I haven't drilled it enough to become ingrained into my muscle memory. My half guard passing is actually a stronger part of my game - not sure what happened there lol. zzzz.
i agree man work ur standup and that will help ur bjj game exponentially. big guy like u work your cheap big guy takedowns. start makkikoming guys.

haha unfortunately at my current weight Im usually the smallest guy in the division. Once I get down to like 215 I should be better. Plus I dont want to just do big guy takedowns; I went to send fools flying :)
That first dude should be ashamed of his gi. Embarassing.

heh before we started the match I went up and shook hands with him and asked "Did you do that on purpose?"

lol maybe it threw him off his game a little.

Thanks for the comments guys, keep em coming.
good job anyways. win some, lose some. thanks for posting.

in the last fight you had trouble posturing, If I can't posture I like to try walking my knees and butt back while pushing on his belt and/or hips til the legs open up, keeping a close eye out for armbars. Also you could try a standing guard break, though it will be tougher with your posture broken, your opponent may try to hook your leg giving you a chance to posture up in the mean time.

LMAO at the tie-dyed gi. I hope that wasn't on purpose.
1st match I fell asleep after 45 secs...your right it was boring!

2nd match - haha oh well happens to the the best of us!!

3rd match I didnt watch...

4th match - your posture was awful, you were obvioulsy tired. You made no attempt to pass, create space, posture up, and when you stood up u were leaning forward just asking to get tappep...and u did! Oh well...whatta gonna do??

I dont understand what you meant by wanting to do a tourney that was "stand up." All the tournies that I have been in (or to) have all started in the stand up position...are you saying you've done tournies that start some other way??
it was good meeting you anaconda!! at least you got to take a nap instead of getting your already sprained ankle straight ankle locked hahah. i was hoping youd win that second absolute match so we could have rolled, but someday i suppose
it was good meeting you anaconda!! at least you got to take a nap instead of getting your already sprained ankle straight ankle locked hahah. i was hoping youd win that second absolute match so we could have rolled, but someday i suppose

Yeah man it was cool to meet you too; sorry about the ankle! I was hoping I'd win too Im not sure what happened lol.

I wanted to buy some cookies off you but I forgot to bring cash! Maybe next time. Take it easy on the ankle.
good job anyways. win some, lose some. thanks for posting.

in the last fight you had trouble posturing, If I can't posture I like to try walking my knees and butt back while pushing on his belt and/or hips til the legs open up, keeping a close eye out for armbars. Also you could try a standing guard break, though it will be tougher with your posture broken, your opponent may try to hook your leg giving you a chance to posture up in the mean time.

LMAO at the tie-dyed gi. I hope that wasn't on purpose.

I'm usually pretty good about posture but being tired along with him being very good with that overhook control just got to me in the end. For the past few months I've been working on getting my knee up and passing like that; like I said the muscle memory just isnt there yet. Believe me I was more surprised than anyone that I couldnt get out of his closed guard lol.

also, no one at our school likes to keep their guard closed all the time. All of us are always ready to just open our guard and start playing from there haha.
1st match I fell asleep after 45 secs...your right it was boring!

2nd match - haha oh well happens to the the best of us!!

3rd match I didnt watch...

4th match - your posture was awful, you were obvioulsy tired. You made no attempt to pass, create space, posture up, and when you stood up u were leaning forward just asking to get tappep...and u did! Oh well...whatta gonna do??

I dont understand what you meant by wanting to do a tourney that was "stand up." All the tournies that I have been in (or to) have all started in the stand up position...are you saying you've done tournies that start some other way??

Yeah, I was bored too in the first match. Just kept moving from back to mount over and over. 3rd match was probably my best of the day though.

4th match - you cant see it in the video but the guy kept getting a DEEP overhook control on my arm and I was too tired to get out of it. Thats why I couldnt posture. And trying to move back without my posture is what got me armbarred in the end.

And about the standup - I've never done a tourney that starts on the knees or anything lol. What I meant was that usually I pull guard, but for this tournament I wanted to play around from standing and see how I felt instead of pulling guard straight away.

Thanks for all the comments guys.
I would say your biggest victory was not losing to the guy in the first sure no one at your academy would ever stop making fun of you losing to a guy in that gi....WTF was he thinking?????? lol