American woman gets stopped by Airport security because she has too much liquid in her carry on luggage. In true American middle-aged women fashion, she makes a big fuss because she can't possibly be wrong. Airport security calls the cops. The American lady who of course knows much more about the laws in Germany than the police ends up calling them "Nazi-police" and other stuff. German cops gave her a ticket for slander.
After a day or two, the American woman had time to cool of an apologized. Just kidding she wrote a 4000 word article in the HuffingtonPost how she was:
Framed, Arrested and Robbed by the Police in Frankfurt:
That's a real beauty.
Lol in my own expierenceGerman cops are pretty relaxed. But they can be real assholes if they want to. I guess it's like that in most countries. Well no she gets sued.