American woman robbed by the GESTAPO


Red Belt
Mar 5, 2012
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American woman gets stopped by Airport security because she has too much liquid in her carry on luggage. In true American middle-aged women fashion, she makes a big fuss because she can't possibly be wrong. Airport security calls the cops. The American lady who of course knows much more about the laws in Germany than the police ends up calling them "Nazi-police" and other stuff. German cops gave her a ticket for slander.

After a day or two, the American woman had time to cool of an apologized. Just kidding she wrote a 4000 word article in the HuffingtonPost how she was:
Framed, Arrested and Robbed by the Police in Frankfurt:

That's a real beauty.

Lol in my own expierenceGerman cops are pretty relaxed. But they can be real assholes if they want to. I guess it's like that in most countries. Well no she gets sued.
American woman gets stopped by Airport security because she has too much liquid in her carry on luggage. In true American middle-aged women fashion, she makes a big fuss because she can't possibly be wrong.
Airport security calls the cops. The American lady who of course knows much more about the laws in Germany than the police ends up calling them "Nazi-police" and other stuff. German cops gave her a ticket for slander.

After a day or two, the American woman had time to cool of an apologized. Just kidding the wrote a 4000-page article in the HuffingtonPost how she was:
Framed, Arrested and Robbed by the Police in Frankfurt:

That's a real beauty.

Lol in my own expierenceGerman cops are pretty relaxed. But they can be real assholes if they want to. I guess it's like that in most countries. Well no she gets sued.
LOL. People are so fucking ridiculous.
She got pissed so she actually calls them Nazi-police?
Germany is cool if you learn these two simple rules...

#1. Do NOT mess with the Poliezei

#2. See rule #1
That's was a very interesting read. I don't know the rules at German airports but if it was the U.S., I'd believe her complaints were justified.
She got pissed so she actually calls them Nazi-police?

Per her version of the story, she didn't. She called another traveller in the check through line a Nazi-looking person and the airport staff reported that her comment was directed at the police officer instead.
She should have told them that if it wasn't for us you'd all be speaking German right now.....
This is the statement from the police in English.

I am not saying she is lying. But she does seem to use the Nazi word lightly.

Yeah, that's her contention in her version. That they reported her as calling the officer "Nazi" when she didn't and that between the Kapoor fellow and the police officer they basically lied about what she was saying/doing. She doesn't deny the general rudeness of her behavior but she claims that it was in response to being threatened with being arrested for wanting to file a customer complaint.

The whole back and forth about whether or not the deodorant is a liquid or a solid seems to be the crux of this matter. If she's right then they were being dicks. If she's wrong, she was being an bitch.

But there's video so I assume justice will eventually be served.
American woman gets stopped by Airport security because she has too much liquid in her carry on luggage. In true American middle-aged women fashion, she makes a big fuss because she can't possibly be wrong. Airport security calls the cops. The American lady who of course knows much more about the laws in Germany than the police ends up calling them "Nazi-police" and other stuff. German cops gave her a ticket for slander.

After a day or two, the American woman had time to cool of an apologized. Just kidding she wrote a 4000 word article in the HuffingtonPost how she was:
Framed, Arrested and Robbed by the Police in Frankfurt:

That's a real beauty.

Lol in my own expierenceGerman cops are pretty relaxed. But they can be real assholes if they want to. I guess it's like that in most countries. Well no she gets sued.

I read all of her HuffPo column. Started off as a reasonable telling of some crappy behavior by security personnel but then went right the fuck off the rails. By the end she’s calling everyone a Nazi incuding the random stranger whose haircut she doesn’t like but want us to believe she never said the same about the police she’s furious at. The bitch is crazy!
I read her account and think she's an idiot who is too educated to realize how ridiculous her fictionalized version sounds.
Yeah, that's her contention in her version. That they reported her as calling the officer "Nazi" when she didn't and that between the Kapoor fellow and the police officer they basically lied about what she was saying/doing. She doesn't deny the general rudeness of her behavior but she claims that it was in response to being threatened with being arrested for wanting to file a customer complaint.

The whole back and forth about whether or not the deodorant is a liquid or a solid seems to be the crux of this matter. If she's right then they were being dicks. If she's wrong, she was being an bitch.

But there's video so I assume justice will eventually be served.

Yeah, I am not sure about the deodorant, but from a legal standpoint she has already admitted to committing a "crime".
Because she called those American boys "Nazi looking guys" (stupid law).
But that's technically already illegal.