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When you read articles like this, notice the wording used. As soon as I saw "transgender" and "gender-nonconforming" grouped together, I became suspicious.

So, taking just a few minutes to look at the report the article is quoting, only 2% of the 18-34 year olds (the youngest age bracket asked) report they identify as transgender -

Page 4- Rubric "Gender identity by age group"

Looking at other surveys and analysis, the number is between 1% to 2%, not one single survey is higher.

So yeah.

I will say that if the number really was %12-%20, I too would have been worried.

The report says 12% are non-cis gender. So if only 1-2% are trans what exactly are the other 10-11%? Presumably a newly invented identity that sits somewhere between trans and non-trans? In any case I maintain these alternative genders are an entirely novel phenomenon.
The report says 12% are non-cis gender. So if only 1-2% are trans what exactly are the other 10-11%? Presumably a newly invented identity that sits somewhere between trans and non-trans? In any case I maintain these alternative genders are an entirely novel phenomenon.
All you had to do to find the answer, is click the link to the report in the article YOU gave me.
I will do it for you though. The other 10% are - Agender, Gender fluid, Unsure/questioning, Bigender, Genderqueer.

And yeah, they are a novel phenomenon. As I said - we should still beat left handed kids, right? That being left handed was not bad was also a novel phenomenon at one point. So was cancer. So was a lot of things. Something being new does not mean it is bad, or wrong. It just means it is new.

I find it funny that, in your original argument 20% of young people are transgender, then down to 12%(based on the article). And now we are down to 1%-2%. And your position is that that does not change anything for you. If nothing can change your mind, why even try to debate things like this?
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All you had to do to find the answer, is click the link to the report in the article YOU gave me.
I will do it for you though. The other 10% are - Agender, Gender fluid, Unsure/questioning, Bigender, Genderqueer.

And yeah, they are a novel phenomenon. As I said - we should still beat left handed kids, right? That being left handed was not bad was also a novel phenomenon at one point. So was cancer. So was a lot of things. Something being new does not mean it is bad, or wrong. It just means it is new.

I find it funny that, in your original argument 20% of young people are transgender, then down to 12%(based on the article). And now we are down to 1%-2%. And your position is that that does not change anything for you. If nothing can change your mind, why even try to debate things like this?
Perhaps you have forgotten or mixed me up with someone else you were talking to, but the reason I made that point was because you said there have been trans people all through history and just so we don't have to go in circles here, I specified the high rates of transgenderism.

The change in percentage is merely a reflection of lefty language invented via fiat which I am happy to use, just don't be surprised when new terminological classifications lead to changes in stats.
Perhaps you have forgotten or mixed me up with someone else you were talking to, but the reason I made that point was because you said there have been trans people all through history and just so we don't have to go in circles here, I specified the high rates of transgenderism.

The change in percentage is merely a reflection of lefty language invented via fiat which I am happy to use, just don't be surprised when new terminological classifications lead to changes in stats.
Yes, you specified the high rates, and you were wrong.

Being transgender is something very specific - "A transgender person is someone whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth". Being transgender is literally people who feel they are in the wrong body. That is not the same as being " Agender, Gender fluid, Unsure/questioning, Bigender, Genderqueer."

All of these things have existed through out history - we just have not had words for them. Just like cancer has always existed, we just did not have a word for it - now we have over a 100.
Yes, you specified the high rates, and you were wrong.

Being transgender is something very specific - "A transgender person is someone whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth". Being transgender is literally people who feel they are in the wrong body. That is not the same as being " Agender, Gender fluid, Unsure/questioning, Bigender, Genderqueer."

All of these things have existed through out history - we just have not had words for them. Just like cancer has always existed, we just did not have a word for it - now we have over a 100.
Don't you find it tiresome and fruitless to try to score some political points over the fact that I might use transgender and non-cis interchangeably?

Let me try to be more clear then - people have not been gender-alternative at a rate of 20% for all of history. If you want I can use a different term but the point I am making should have been crystal clear to a good faith actor 3 posts ago.
Don't you find it tiresome and fruitless to try to score some political points over the fact that I might use transgender and non-cis interchangeably?

Let me try to be more clear then - people have not been gender-alternative at a rate of 20% for all of history. If you want I can use a different term but the point I am making should have been crystal clear to a good faith actor 3 posts ago.
Words have meaning. Your point would have been clear if you had used the right words to express yourself. "Transgender" and "non-cis" is absolutely, 100%, not 2 words that can be used interchangeably. It is a "all thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs" situation.

To your second point - no one knows what the % of non-cis people have been throughout history. We know there has always, or at least since we have written history, been homosexuals, bisexuals, trangenders and asexuals. The % is only a guess from anyone and can not be stated as fact.
Tiktok vids will be interesting
Words have meaning. Your point would have been clear if you had used the right words to express yourself. "Transgender" and "non-cis" is absolutely, 100%, not 2 words that can be used interchangeably. It is a "all thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs" situation.

To your second point - no one knows what the % of non-cis people have been throughout history. We know there has always, or at least since we have written history, been homosexuals, bisexuals, trangenders and asexuals. The % is only a guess from anyone and can not be stated as fact.
Alright, well next time I don't use the recently invented words of your subculture with the precision you would like feel free to clarify without making a point of telling me how wrong I am.

Anyways, we can play the reductionist and say we really have no idea of knowing the proportion of gender identification for any society at any point in history including today, but I think most would agree there is plenty of reason to suspect this is a phenomenon of recent proliferation that has ties to wider trends in society. If we can't agree on this I'm afraid we are probably forming our worldviews from different foundational understandings and likely will not see eye to eye on this one. But that's okay.
Alright, well next time I don't use the recently invented words of your subculture with the precision you would like feel free to clarify without making a point of telling me how wrong I am.

Anyways, we can play the reductionist and say we really have no idea of knowing the proportion of gender identification for any society at any point in history including today, but I think most would agree there is plenty of reason to suspect this is a phenomenon of recent proliferation that has ties to wider trends in society. If we can't agree on this I'm afraid we are probably forming our worldviews from different foundational understandings and likely will not see eye to eye on this one. But that's okay.
My subculture? I am an old, white, CIS man, so yeah....

And I am just evidence based, not emotionally based. So just because my gut feeling tells me something, I don't claim it as fact. That also means I don't let propaganda influence my view on what is factual, and what is not.

I agree that we will most likely not see eye to eye on this, and I also agree that is ok.
Alright, well next time I don't use the recently invented words of your subculture with the precision you would like feel free to clarify without making a point of telling me how wrong I am.

Anyways, we can play the reductionist and say we really have no idea of knowing the proportion of gender identification for any society at any point in history including today, but I think most would agree there is plenty of reason to suspect this is a phenomenon of recent proliferation that has ties to wider trends in society. If we can't agree on this I'm afraid we are probably forming our worldviews from different foundational understandings and likely will not see eye to eye on this one. But that's okay.
There is no doubt at all that it can be culturally conditioned because all you have to do is look at Rome and Greece and see that homosexuality can be culturally conditioned and that different kinds can be culturally conditioned and that pederasty which is sex with young boys by men can be culturally conditioned.

The notion that all this is fixed genetically is a lie
They would have been better off with blankets containing diseases they had no natural immunity to.
There is no doubt at all that it can be culturally conditioned because all you have to do is look at Rome and Greece and see that homosexuality can be culturally conditioned and that different kinds can be culturally conditioned and that pederasty which is sex with young boys by men can be culturally conditioned.

The notion that all this is fixed genetically is a lie
I agree though pedasty was viewed more like an unfortunate reality than something truly accepted. Greeks rich enough to have body guards would employ them to protect their children from pederasty.
I agree though pedasty was viewed more like an unfortunate reality than something truly accepted. Greeks rich enough to have body guards would employ them to protect their children from pederasty.
I'm curious your insight on that because it's either Socrates or Plato that made a serious case for the great good of pedastry.