Am I crazy to think that Leon wasn’t impressive?

i would love to hear someone say this take in an actual real life physical realm conversation with people instead of on a forum with a bunch of buff and cool dudes on the internet

Lol the reason all of us are on this site is cause no one in real life watches MMA lol. Just football and Basketball for my circle.

Ironically enough the only other MMA nut that I know is my wife lol.

Unfortunately, I have no cool buff dudes in real life to talk to about MMA.
First off, props to still having mental toughness to still go for it with only a minute left. Amazing picture perfect set up and knock out shot. One of the cleanest knocks outs I’ve ever seen.

But as a whole, I wasn’t terribly impressed by Leon and still come away thinking Usman is the better overall fighter. The strength difference was apparent, the gap in wrestling/grappling was massive and Usman looked to be out striking him on multiple occasions.

Didn’t have a horse in this race….didn’t care who won and credit to Leon…but as a whole…I expected better from him through out the fight and see no reason as to why Usman doesn’t comfortably win the rematch. Sometimes the ending doesn’t tell the story of the entire fight.

Of course there’s always the chance that a Usman isn’t the same after a vicious knock out like that as well….

Leon made some good points in the post fight presser, he felt the elevation after the first and it sapped his cardio. Usman trained his whole career at elevation so he wasn't as affected as a guy with two week there and looking at the gas fest this card was I'm inclined to believe Leon it's not just an excuse. So the rematch in London we could definitely see alot more competitive rounds and Leon did comfortably win the first.
Not crazy, it's an opinion on how you felt about a fighter.

I feel very differently about it. I think Edwards was extraordinarily impressive. When he scored that trip takedown to mount in round 1, I was blown away. I knew there wasn't much he could do with it, and he really should have just focused on logging damage and taxing Usman for the mistake to weigh on him as the fight continued. That would have been the better move there, rather than looking for a choke against an extremely skilled, trained and fresh opponent. But even as Usman came on effectively following that, Edwards maintained a very cool and disciplined approach. He never looked like he was checked out of the fight or particularly discouraged. He kept his head straight and bided his time looking for opportunities to implement his attacks. It paid off. There's no safe space with Edwards where you can afford to coast or assume it's in the bag, he's there all 5 and can finish any time.

Most guys who have made it to the championship rounds with Usman and were way down on the cards had nothing left to pose any threat. Edwards is an anomaly to that standard and Usman was not ready for it.

Good post. The trip was impressive. I know Colby had a semi controversial take down on Usman. Some said yes, some said no. But that trip by Leon was definitive as hell with no room for debate for Usmans first takedown.

As far as taking his back, I feel the opposite of you. I like Leon going for the choke and wish he would have attacked it even more aggressively. I'm sure Usman trains for all these scenerios so hes seen it all but this was the first time he had that level of adversity in the octagon on the big stage during this run he was on. Kind of uncharted territory for him...So you got to test it you are Leon and find out how good Usman is on the defensive.
Good post. The trip was impressive. I know Colby had a semi controversial take down on Usman. Some said yes, some said no. But that trip by Leon was definitive as hell with no room for debate for Usmans first takedown.

As far as taking his back, I feel the opposite of you. I like Leon going for the choke and wish he would have attacked it even more aggressively. I'm sure Usman trains for all these scenerios so hes seen it all but this was the first time he had that level of adversity in the octagon on the big stage during this run he was on. Kind of uncharted territory for him...So you got to test it you are Leon and find out how good Usman is on the defensive.
Chokes are one of those things that a really seasoned and highly trained championship level fighter has adapted innate reflexes to defend. It's really hard to submit a guy like that while he has his full wits about him and is fresh, that's why most subs these days at high levels come against exhausted or seriously beaten opponents. It would have been difficult regardless for Edwards to really score a lot of damage and maintain the position, by seeking the choke Edwards force Usman to defend first priority over escaping. So, there was a benefit in clocking dominance with the scorecards, where a fresh Usman could and would have likely escaped the position had Edwards made his focus scoring damage.

He didn't make a bad call really, by looking for it, and all in all it may have been the best decision to win himself the round.
You can be losing the fight but still end the fight by design.

If you don't understand that I really don't think I can help you.
You obviously don't understand how logic works.
Please explain how someone who, according to you, could knock Usman at anytime, but instead, he would choose to continue NOT doing so throughout 4 rounds.
I think Usman’s infractions were completely ignored by “the best in the” Herb Dean. Leon could have had Karamu’s back a second time, with plenty on the clock to work..

I get it, the UFC is trying to erased GSP and his accomplishments, with the sale of Usman. The problem is, some people actually drink it up!

I don’t have a problem with Usman, at all. I just appreciate a level playing field. That goes for what’s said in the booth too.

The booth will never be unbiased unfortunately.
I tune them out when Im watching fights.