although im no fighter i'd need your help



hi there!
i'm whether a fighter nor a bodybuilder but i just want stay in shape since i had to quit rugby due to an accident. i'm doing an upper body bodyweight routine, and i just wanted to know, how often per week i should perform it. is it the same as with exercises with weights, that i should never work out one muscle group more often then once in a week?

i do 3 sets of the following exercises until failure:

1) normal push-ups
one-handed push-ups
declined pus-ups

2) dips

3) i don't really know how this exercise is actually called but my trainer used to call it
"v-presses". ist is this excercise similar to a push-up that works your upper back

4) sit-ups
static crunches

5) supermans

I would really appreciates if some of you could give some proficient answers! thank you!
First off, what was the injury you got from rugby and have you recovered from it fully? If it's all healed up and hasn't had any lasting effect on you then there's no reason for you not to be doing a full body routine.
i suffered 2 times a compression fracture of my right knee, which hinders my running. therefore i had to quit or at least i stopped playing.
Does it still give you trouble now? I ask because you really want to be Squatting and Deadlifting as part of a full body routine and that could put a fair bit of strain on your knees.

Also, reading the stickies would be a good start with regards to improving your choice of exercises and how you set up your routine.
read the stickies, get some weights. If an exercise causes you sharp pain in a joint (not a burning sensation in the muscles) then lighten the load or don't do it.