All Tomorrows: The Most Brutal Sci-Fi Novel You Haven’t Heard About


White Belt
Apr 28, 2016
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So this is something that I thought the Sherbros would appreciate... The novel (and audiobook) All Tomorrows is a brutal, thought-provoking journey that offers a perspective on time, evolution, and the terrifying future of humanity. It’s got that gritty, dark vibe that reminds me a lot of Warhammer 40k, but with an even more unsettling approach to the concept of our species' potential paths over millions of years.

If you're a fan of body horror, this one might be right up your alley. The story essentially revolves around entities that genetically modify humans over millions of years, transforming them into all sorts of twisted, grotesque, and downright disturbing creatures. It’s a chilling and fascinating exploration of what it means to be human, pushing the boundaries of imagination in a way that’s both horrifying and captivating.

I genuinely think this novel deserves more attention. It provides a fascinating perspective on the vastness of time and the fragility of human existence, making it an experience worth reading or listening to. What do you all think about these kinds of speculative evolution stories? Have you given All Tomorrows a chance, or does it sound like something up your alley? Let’s hear the Sherbros thoughts!

Absolutely, man! If you check out the audiobook I linked in the original post, it really takes you through the full journey – a clear beginning, middle, and end. The cool thing is it's broken into five easy-to-follow timestamps, so you can jump in and out whenever you’ve got a spare moment. The whole thing's packed with amazing illustrations that make the experience super immersive, and since the chapters are in 5-15 minute segments, it doesn’t take a huge time commitment. I’d definitely recommend giving the YouTube link a shot – it dives straight into the story right from the start, and you'll be hooked!
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So is it just a little short story? This video is it?

Nevermind. Looked on Good Reads. Only 111 pages. I'll give it a go tonight or tomorrow then. Sounds good.

If you like body modification/horror type of stuff, check out Paolo Bacigalupi's short "The People of Sand and Slag". It has a line in it that still haunts me. All his non-YA stuff is great.
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