Social Alistair Overeem says that wokeness made his daughter think she's a man.

Society only raises kids whose parents fail. My wife and I raised our kids, society at large played no role. All their work ethic and values came from us. My kids didn't have a cell phone until they were 16. My kids didn't have social media while under my roof. I knew all of my kids friends and their parents. I coached my kids in every sport they ever participated in for at least two years. I missed maybe ten sporting events across their entire childhood. I missed zero academic functions they were involved with. Disobedience was dealt with swiftly and harshly. There was always a plan with regards to their future, and I don't mean pre-determined, I mean a plan in the sense that I provided options and paths.

You're a less than useful idiot if you think society enables jack shit.

The gender stuff is in schools now. From a young age they condition the kids to the idea that they can be a million different genders, and transitioning is some sort of magical transformation that gets rid of all your problems instead of the reality that it's a butcher job of surgeries that barely work and they'll become a lifelong medical patient. Only way you're getting away with "society" not influencing your kids is to pull them out of public school. All the working class people juggling two jobs don't have that luxury, they have no choice but to send their kids to the meat grinder.
The gender stuff is in schools now. From a young age they condition the kids to the idea that they can be a million different genders, and transitioning is some sort of magical transformation that gets rid of all your problems instead of the reality that it's a butcher job of surgeries that barely work and they'll become a lifelong medical patient. Only way you're getting away with "society" not influencing your kids is to pull them out of public school. All the working class people juggling two jobs don't have that luxury, they have no choice but to send their kids to the meat grinder.

My kids went to a public school and graduated two and four years ago so I'm haven't forgotten what things were like. My experience with other parents was the following.
  1. A not small percentage of parents are awful, just pathetic excuses for human beings and never should have had kids.
  2. A not small percentage of parents prioritize their well being over their kids.
  3. A not small percentage of parents don't live within their means.
  4. A not small percentage of parents, for some reason, have way more kids than they can afford.
  5. A large percentage of parents do not understand how to talk to their children. They think yelling at them is the answer (sometimes it is, but only sometimes).
  6. A not small percentage of parents tear their own children down rather than lifting them up.
  7. A not small percentage of parents do not set the example of how to act (do as I say, not as I do).
  8. A not small percentage do not discipline their kids.
  9. A not small percentage of parents really believe their kid is "special". My kids were "special" to me. I know they aren't to anyone else and they certainly aren't within the context of the wider world.
  10. A large percentage of parents are tired and lazy so they pawn off raising their children to other people.
  11. A not small percentage of parents have addiction issues (gambling, drugs, alchohol, etc.).
  12. Divorce is all too common and usually caused by one or both parents stupidity which in turn can have negative effects on their kids.
Dad's gotta man up, run their god damn house, treat their women with respect, quit drinking and taking pills, set the example for their kids, spend 90% of their time teaching and only 10% yelling/lecturing, and in general be the parent they either had or wanted.

I've never bought into this society made my kids, nope, no sir. Parents did it. Get off your ass and be a good parent. Its hard, its tiring, and its frustrating, but that's the job.

To those dad's getting shit done and running their house, I salute you.

The question wasn’t if she should or should not work. She never has to. Meaning if she has career issues she doesn’t have to work.

it’s called investments. 10 million dollars in an investment account nets you a million or so a year.

Buy 2-3 houses and invest the rest and you and future generations don’t have to work.
No. They will have to work. Overeem isn’t loaded. Has more than one child and his wife will be entitled to the money before his children are. For the most part.
Oh you wanted the source for the definitions. It's from The World Health Organisation, I referenced it from here.

Are you now going to complain that the WHO is not a valid source? If so, provide an alternative definition then with a better source.
LOL I forgot to respond to this.

From your source's topic sentence:
"In this section of the training hub, we will explore gender equality, including what it means to be transgender."

Would you care to point me to the part where it says they intend to be strictly accurate biologically and medically?

Edit: also from your source,

"So what is gender? The terms ‘gender’ and ‘biological sex’ have become conflated and are often seen as interchangeable. But they are separate and distinct terms. The World Health Organisation summarises the difference between sex and gender in the following way:
Sex refers to “the different biological and physiological characteristics of males and females, such as reproductive organs, chromosomes, hormones, etc.
Gender refers to "the socially constructed characteristics of women and men – such as norms, roles and relationships of and between groups of women and men. It varies from society to society and can be changed. The concept of gender includes five important elements: relational, hierarchical, historical, contextual and institutional. While most people are born either male or female, they are taught appropriate norms and behaviours – including how they should interact with others of the same or opposite sex within households, communities and work places. When individuals or groups do not “fit” established gender norms they often face stigma, discriminatory practices or social exclusion – all of which adversely affect health17.”

So male, female and intersex refer to biological sex, while “man”, “woman”, “girl”, “boy”, “fluid” or “non-binary” refer to gender. "

Where in here does it say anything about why "individuals or groups do not “fit” established gender norms"?

Leaving aside our exchange, regardless of what anyone thinks of that, this is a bloody silly thread I regret posting in lol

See you another time.
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