Alien Trilogy vs. Terminator Trilogy

Which is better?

  • Alien Trilogy

  • Terminator Trilogy

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The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
Which is superior?


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I voted Alien despite having watched T2 roughly 40,000 times a kid. T3 was worse than Christian Bales acting and it’s getting all kinds of support in the other thread though so I imagine this will be a tight race....
shitty poll. Terminator only had the first 2 good movies.
Terminator 2 is the best movie of them all but the third one sucked so aliens takes it for the trilogy
alien movies had so much more texture and substance.
hated the last one though tbh
Before even watching Alien or Aliens this guys dam face always pops in my head.
I think I like The Terminator more than the original Alien even though they're both classics. I think I like Aliens slightly more than T2. Alien 3 is not particularly good but it's interesting- sort of contextually interesting in that it's one of my all-time favorite directors first big movie. I'm pretty sure he got railroaded by the studio or something and it's not the film he envisioned but there's some memorable stuff in there though it's not a good movie.

Terminator 3 is not particularly good but it's not particularly interesting either. It's got some fun moments but there felt like there was no weight there. Just humor, in-jokes, nostalgia and a couple of big action setpieces.

Maybe Terminator trilogy by a hair. Factor in the later movies and I'd say the gap goes a bit wider in Alien's favor because, in my view, the flawed Prometheus and the dumb but diverting Covenant are better than the dull as dish water Salvation and the utterly bad Genisys.

No matter what anyone else says I thought it was hard choosing against the Terminator series. But it also shows just how good Alien is.
Alien 3 > Terminator 3.

The others are all close, the third movies are the tiebreaker.
Alien 3 > Terminator 3.

The others are all close, the third movies are the tiebreaker.

The franchises are strangely similar lol. Two great, classic films and then a lot of mediocrity or substandard material afterwards. I have to say, though, as much as people dislike Prometheus and Covenant, I actually feel they're mildly enjoyable. I'd give them another watch. Fassbender's performances, particularly, made them better than they otherwise would have been.

I found Salvation just so unmemorable and dull. I've seen way worse movies than that, but I've never felt tempted to watch it again after seeing it in theaters. Additionally, Bale is one of the greatest actors of his generation and I'm a huge fan. That's probably the only performance of his I've seen where I felt he didn't get the chance to do anything of note. Nothing stood out.

Less said about Genisys, the better.
I love the intro to Alien.

The music, the tone, etc

Great mood setter, IMO
The director’s cut of Alien 3 was actually pretty good.

Alien>Terminator>Aliens>Terminator 2>Alien 3>>>>>Terminator 3

Deja vous?

Didn’t we just do this exact same poll recently?