Alex Jones Sued by Sandy Hook Parents

I am in full agreement but they need to prove that his actions where the cause of their issues. Unfortunately the burden of proof falls on the plaintiff and this will be the problem that Sandy Hook parents and others will face if they press go after talk show hosts like Jones. This also poses problems if they win this case it could open the door for options for the alt-right to attack people on the left. Jones is scum but he also has the 1st amendment to defend his actions. He even went and appeared in front of the the national press club to talk about his 1st amendment rights.

I’ve clearly stated that I am not a fan and I’ll go as far as to say he’s a fucking idiot. However I’ll never be in support of sue happy jerks.

I dunno. If my children were murdered, and this rich radio show host was saying it was all fake and that I'm an actor, totally pissing on my kid's graves - and actually had millions of people believing it - I'd be pretty pissed. Could you REALLY blame someone for trying to take this scumbag's money, after what he's said?
I’ve clearly stated that I am not a fan and I’ll go as far as to say he’s a fucking idiot. However I’ll never be in support of sue happy jerks.

lets say you lose a son or daughter in a violent crime, then the local shock jock proceeds to claim a false flag and encourages his listeners to troll your family online for months, maybe a couple of em drive up to alaska and harrass em. what do you think an appropriate response is on your part?
spare me the macho bullshit in your answer.
What bothers me is that hiring a whole lot of crisis actors and make up fake children that got shot seems like a lot more work than just hiring a madman to kill children at a school?

It may seem sinister, but wouldn't that make a lot more sense for the government to do if they really wanted a Sandy Hook like event?

My thoughts exactly.

Why on Earth would you try to create such an elaborate conspiracy which involves dozens and dozens of people, when you could just organize some shooters to actually do the deed?

If you're going the "crisis actor" route, you open yourself up to so many dangers. First, those crisis actors better be fucking great actors, because your while conspiracy relies on them being believable. You also have to rely on NONE of those crisis actors blowing the whistle and becoming one of the most famous people on Earth ("Whistleblower reveals US government responsible for school shooting!"). Plus you have to rely on the actual people from that town not realizing that these "neighbors" were fake, or even more insane, you have to get the whole town on board, plus the emergency responders at the scene. Then you have to hope that no journalist will find a loose thread and unravel the whole story, like, I dunno, finding out about the crisis actors previous life, before being hired to play someone living in the town.

So, you can do all that, then cross your fingers and hope it all goes to plan... Or you can hire one or two guys to actually shoot up the place, then kill them once they're done.

Yet, for some reason, conspiracy theorists think the first option is more likely.
The right to free speech allows you to slander people, so he will be fine.

If he was slandering a company, then that would be serious.
There's always a downside to new-found fame, and one of those downsides is that all of your old shit is going to get dug up. If Alex Jones had remained an underground cult figure, nobody would give a damn about what he says. He could rant amongst himself in peace.

He got too big for his own good. The past is going to catch up to him.
interesting. if it goes to court (which it won't) evidence would have to be presented to prove that what alex is saying is false...
Good fuck’em. Anyone who turns a school shooting into a for profit conspiracy theory is a total piece of shit.
Pretty sure that’s not illegal.

noun: slander
  1. 1.
    the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
    "he is suing the TV network for slander"
    • a false and malicious spoken statement.
      plural noun: slanders
      "I've had just about all I can stomach of your slanders"
      synonyms: defamation (of character), character assassination, calumny, libel;More
      scandalmongering, malicious gossip, disparagement, denigration, aspersions, vilification, traducement, obloquy;
      lie, slur, smear, false accusation;
      informalmudslinging, bad-mouthing, smack talk;
      "he could sue us for slander"
verb: slander; 3rd person present: slanders; past tense: slandered; past participle: slandered; gerund or present participle: slandering
  1. 1.
    make false and damaging statements about (someone).
    "they were accused of slandering the head of state"
    synonyms: defame (someone's character), blacken someone's name, tell lies about, speak ill/evil of, sully someone's reputation, libel, smear, cast aspersions on, spread scandal about, besmirch, tarnish, taint;More
    malign, traduce, vilify, disparage, denigrate, run down, slur;
    informalbadmouth, dis, trash;
    "they were accused of slandering the minister"

Middle English: from Old French esclandre, alteration of escandle, from late Latin scandalum (see scandal).
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I imagine if my child was murdered at School and some idiot said it never happened and called me an hired actor...he'd do well to keep his head on his shoulders.

Such a disrespectful thing to do. Some people really do have no shame nor decency.
I imagine if my child was murdered at School and some idiot said it never happened and called me an hired actor...he'd do well to keep his head on his shoulders.

Such a disrespectful thing to do. Some people really do have no shame nor decency.
And almost all of them are on the retard right.
There are limits to free speech.
See yelling fire in a crowded theater.
Please link me to these limits and the punishment for each. Surely there’s some code or law in such. I’m down to read what you find.
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I find it incredible that Alex Jones is even known in the main stream.
I learned of his existence HERE. Hearing his name being brought up IRL conversation would be as mind blowing as this being a Double Jeopardy answer.
Do they have to prove he didn't believe what he said? and provide damage to their reputations?
My thoughts exactly.

Why on Earth would you try to create such an elaborate conspiracy which involves dozens and dozens of people, when you could just organize some shooters to actually do the deed?

If you're going the "crisis actor" route, you open yourself up to so many dangers. First, those crisis actors better be fucking great actors, because your while conspiracy relies on them being believable. You also have to rely on NONE of those crisis actors blowing the whistle and becoming one of the most famous people on Earth ("Whistleblower reveals US government responsible for school shooting!"). Plus you have to rely on the actual people from that town not realizing that these "neighbors" were fake, or even more insane, you have to get the whole town on board, plus the emergency responders at the scene. Then you have to hope that no journalist will find a loose thread and unravel the whole story, like, I dunno, finding out about the crisis actors previous life, before being hired to play someone living in the town.

So, you can do all that, then cross your fingers and hope it all goes to plan... Or you can hire one or two guys to actually shoot up the place, then kill them once they're done.

Yet, for some reason, conspiracy theorists think the first option is more likely.
I used to have problems with paranoia and it never occurred to me how irrational it all was. It's a state of mind that puts a different filter over your point of view. It's really hard to explain, but it's like seeing shadows in the corner of your eyes constantly.

It's like how when you're intoxicated your mind works differently.

I'm sure there are sometimes people who like to go on TV news and lie because they get some kind of personal satisfaction out of it and I think that's much creepier than the government being behind it.
Sending out the Bat Signal to Sherdog's resident legal expert:

What's your take on this case?

My first question is pretty simple:

What are the damages?

They won’t win. Claiming something didn’t happen isn’t grounds to take somebodies money.

Can someone help me with this? I don't understand how litigious American society is - how is this even a thing? Yes he's a colossal asshole for saying these things but how do people think they are just going to bankrupt him?
Can someone help me with this? I don't understand how litigious American society is - how is this even a thing? Yes he's a colossal asshole for saying these things but how do people think they are just going to bankrupt him?

Maybe they just want to show that he is a liar more than bankrupt him .

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