Alex 'Bada' Andrade died 2 days ago??


May 3, 2003
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I just read on a facebook BJJ group that Alex 'Bada' Andrade died on the mat recently?
I googled and couldn't find anything, does anybody know anything on this?
He's an ATT Black Belt under Renato Tavares.
the old (ex) lions den fighter...not that I know of...I'll report back tomorrow if I see him tomorrow or hear anything at the gym

the BTT black belt? never heard of him
Guys on are saying he died from a heart attack.
There is a thread on this subject on the Underground

I just heard about this yesterday when I was talking to a buddy of mine who trains with Helio "Soneca" Moreira. I heard Helio was taking off to make it to the funeral. And from what I read on the link above its not the Lion's Den fighter, but a black belt who trained with Renato Tavares.

Either way, the guy died on the mat doing what he loved. RIP.
Alex was the first one to put me to sleep, I mean wake up on the other side of the room with a bunch of concerned faces looking at you while your thinking "how did you all get onto my bedroom" kind of sleep.

It was with a baseball bat choke as I "passed" his half guard. It was my first week as a purple belt and he was a brown belt at the time.


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RIP mt friend. We are not sure as of yet what exactly happened. We suspect it was a heart attack. Renato is currently taking donations to fly Alex's body back to his family in Brazil.
Thats sad to hear, I guess if anywhere thats the place to go... RIP