Frankie is basically a decision fighter and he is not going to be able to out point Aldo. The only way Frankie wins is if the judges give Aldo the Bethe treatment and just hand Frankie the win.
The greatest chance that Frankie has of winning is to pull off a decision. Thats not going to happen.
Frankie will be throwing his hat down onto the octagon floor once again.
Aldo is a better boxer and will light Frankie up once again.
Aldo is quicker.
Aldo has leg kicks that can cripple Frankie.
Aldo has the best TD.
There is nowhere that this fight goes that Aldo doesn't have the advantage. Aldo nullifies everything that Frankie does.
War Aldo.
The greatest chance that Frankie has of winning is to pull off a decision. Thats not going to happen.
Frankie will be throwing his hat down onto the octagon floor once again.
Aldo is a better boxer and will light Frankie up once again.
Aldo is quicker.
Aldo has leg kicks that can cripple Frankie.
Aldo has the best TD.
There is nowhere that this fight goes that Aldo doesn't have the advantage. Aldo nullifies everything that Frankie does.
War Aldo.