Opinion Alberta and Quebec Independence from Canada

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If you don’t like it then don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

That's what this thread is about dumbfuck. Quebecers and Albertans doing exactly that.

How long have you lived in Canada? It's pretty undeniable that Canada was a much more pleasant place to live pre-21st century.
I'm supporting these provinces, and hope they become their crown countries.

They won't economy is too intertwined for them survive outside all of Canada. Alberta more or else gets along with all provinces except Quebec. All provinces have gripes with Quebec. Quebec also benefits the most from the federal government. For them to leave will be their demise.
I'm an immigrant you fucking buffoon.
Frickin immigrants destroy your country and then bring your disease ass here taking our bread and butter. Terrible.
That's what this thread is about dumbfuck. Quebecers and Albertans doing exactly that.

How long have you lived in Canada? It's pretty undeniable that Canada was a much more pleasant place to live pre-21st century.
100% blood quantum. Trace my ancestors over 9,000 years to this land. So yeah, I fucking hate immigrants. Ba dum tss
100% blood quantum. Trace my ancestors over 9,000 years to this land. So yeah, I fucking hate immigrants. Ba dum tss
Ahh. Now I remember your racist ass. Lol.

The combined IQ of the WR takes a dive everytime you post here.

Welcome back!
Ahh. Now I remember your racist ass. Lol.

The combined IQ of the WR takes a dive everytime you post here.

Welcome back!

you sniveling little bitch. I’m your Canadian next door neighbour and my home is completely different then yours. It disgusts me to listen to your whining piss and moan about how hard Canada is when true Canadians that have ancestral roots are murdered with no recourse all over Canada.
Also, if my posts contribute to the dive of IQ in WR then shit that’s a good thing considering you warroom posters are in the red IQ wise.

you sniveling little bitch. I’m your Canadian next door neighbour and my home is completely different then yours. It disgusts me to listen to your whining piss and moan about how hard Canada is when true Canadians that have ancestral roots are murdered with no recourse all over Canada.
Also, if my posts contribute to the dive of IQ in WR then shit that’s a good thing considering you warroom posters are in the red IQ wise.
Lol. It is you! Still on that crusade to prove that it's the white devils who go to reservations to kill and rape?
Where are the rest of our dear Canadian friends to talk about a topic that is actually about their own country?

Anyways, no I dont think it would be in anyone's best interest to break part Canada. Shit might be weird at times but you guys are a great country and should remain so together.
I hope New York, New Jersey and California team up and do that here in America.
I hope New York, New Jersey and California team up and do that here in America.

LOL at Jersey being able or even wanting to do that. You said that only because you live there.

I could see Cali doing it one day though, and hopefully they do. Just join Mexico already.
LOL at Jersey being able or even wanting to do that. You said that only because you live there.

I could see Cali doing it one day though, and hopefully they do. Just join Mexico already.
One country, united by...

Oh, wait. The two states would be divided by a whole continent? That'll never work.
"Some on social media have suggested that racism may have been the motivation behind the slayings, but Zazulak said that “there’s nothing to suggest that there was any racial motivation for these offences.” He added, however, that they were still determining a motive."

Could have been racism behind it, sure. No other reason being a possibility and all. o_O
Well it definitely would be shocking if it was racially motivated considering that Canada does not have an insanely terrible racism problem that has plagued Native people across North America for several hundred years or so.
LOL at Jersey being able or even wanting to do that. You said that only because you live there.

I could see Cali doing it one day though, and hopefully they do. Just join Mexico already.

You’re so dopey it hurts. New Jersey is one of the states that pays for the country.

worry about Canada you pathetic groupie.
The guy leading wexit is a far right conspiracy theorist, fired from the RCMP for abusing his wife. Even hardcore UCP supporters here think he and the seperation movement are a total joke.

Jason Kenny and UCP will never support seperation and they run the show here, not high school dropout yellow vest wearing morons or kooky karens on fb. Kenny was a long time federal employee who believes in Canada, he also has aspirations of being PM one day.

This pandemic and some of the resulting shit has helped unite canadians. People out west are seeing provincial and federal gov working well togeather to keep disease in check. People on both sides are quickly becoming pissed with China's deceit and America's America First policies and are starting to get that "every nation for itself" mentality. Albertans are finally starting to get it that thier energy based jobs live and now die based off the actions of dictators on the other side of the world. The preimer's approval ratings are way up and so is the PM's.

Alberta is less likely to seperate than Quebec ever was.
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