Law Alabama senate passes near total abortion ban

are still hostile to due process

How so? I regularly fight against the idiotic notion of removing rights without due process . . . specifically the line of thought that says an arbitrary "no fly" list = you can't buy a firearm.

are actively undermining democracy

Again . . . how so?

are actively protecting legal discrimination against LGBTQ persons

I disagree with their lifestyle (as well as the lifestyles of many others). I'll support everyone's ability to dislike something, but completely disagree with discrimination. There are more who think like that than you want to believe . . .

and are much, much more similar to conservative Muslims than liberals are.

Can you list these similarities? I'm not advocating for killing non-believers . . . stoning adulterers . . . cutting anyone's hand off for stealing . . .

I really have no idea how you are able to retain any sort of allegiance, ideological or rhetorical, with these shameless morons hell bent on destroying the world just to avoid a moment of critical thought.

Where is the critical thought in that hyperbolic statement?

Destroying the world? Really? We disagree with you on things and push to implement change like many other people do and we want to destroy the world?
hi and good morning Mccountry,

you feel this thing is a person. i get that.

out of curiosity, is a one celled zygote a person also? since you're so handy with media, could you post a picture of a zygote with something next to it, for scale?


Is a Zygote a person? Life begins at conception. It's life. It's alive. You've created life! It's sex is already determined at this stage, and it has it's own strand of DNA! Regardless of scale. But a Zygote is neither here nor there as an embryo develops very quickly out of this stage. Cells divide and replicate a very fast rate within the first few days/weeks.


Lol, in a thread brimming with stupid, you really took the cake here. Not just inventing a completely asinine claim and ascribing it to terms with actual meaning, but saying that national Democrats are supportive of policies that none of even the most Democrat-dominated states have advanced. Hell, even the derp-maligned New York bill only allowed late term abortions in the case of the mother's life being in danger.

Color me shocked that "muh baby killers" Republicans can't even spell "pregnant," let alone feel the need to think about the subject or, in the case of one of the Republican legislators who sponsored the bill, know that chromosomes have nothing to do with fertilization.

I believe that President Trump believes that babies are birthed out of one vagina and into another one, kind of like a center snapping a football to the quarterback.

It really is a completely worthless state. And its only decent export, college football, is dependent on young black men....ya know, the people its legislators hate with the fire of a thousand suns.

Black people? You mean the ones that are aborted most disproportionately? This will lead to more college football players that you love and value so much.
Black people? You mean the ones that are aborted most disproportionately? This will lead to more college football players that you love and value so much.
My-oh-my you truly are a racist Pig. Had to get the stereotype in there
One interesting characteristic of this thread is the explicit bigotry against religious Americans and southern religious Americans in particular. It's a narrow-minded perspective.

You read this...
I actually don't support abortion.

But I do support people's rights to make decisions about their own lives that they feel are rational and pragmatic free of my tempermental preferences and metaphysical assumptions.

I personally find abortion disturbing and would never recommend that anyone get an abortion (except perhaps in extreme cases). That's how I know I am unprejudiced on this.

I also recognize that my feelings, beliefs and assumptions on the matter are just that-- my feelings, beliefs and assumptions. I have no interest in-- or right to-- legislate those feelings, beliefs and assumptions onto another person when there is no indisputable RATIONAL grounds for me doing so.

That's what real liberalism looks like, by the way.

... and that's your conclusion???
How so? I regularly fight against the idiotic notion of removing rights without due process . . . specifically the line of thought that says an arbitrary "no fly" list = you can't buy a firearm.

Democrats were wrong about that issue, but it's basically the only time the two parties have been on those sides. American conservatives, both in the legislature and judiciary, have been fighting due process since its inception: reducing oversight of police and prosecution, granting greater discretion to police and investigators in evidence collection (including coercion of confessions), reducing the appeals process for even capital crimes, continually validating the execution of persons with mental incapacity.

Really, even a cursory knowledge of this subject yields this.

Again . . . how so?

Lol, where do I even start?

Voting against and striking campaign finance regulation so that billions of dark money can dominate local and state races and voters can't see (let alone regulate) who is donating to their candidates, promoting the theory of a completely sovereign federal executive only to then make bad faith claims of tyranny when a Democrat is in office, systematically purging voters and engaging in race-based gerrymandering, openly engaging in unprecedented partisan obstruction against good faith policies and even ones that they previously supported, consolidating state executive power and pulling the ladder on it, engaging in bad faith gamesmanship and shattering centuries-old political norms on the nomination of judges (voting against all Democratic nominees fully, regardless of the nominee and then passing through all Republican nominees no matter how corrupt or unfit), engaging in bad faith ballot requirements like Georgia's "exact match law" that seek to strike votes on arbitrary bases (that just somehow happen to fall along racial lines), the decades-long project of complete minority rule, the regular blocking of laws disallowing employers from keeping their employees from voting, the current blocking of laws automatically registering voters and making federal elections a national holiday, engaging in robust disinformation campaigns that openly disregard basic facts and reality (and shamelessly misrepresent the views of their opponents - see Trump's insistence about Democrats wanting to kill newborns).

I could go on. Here are a bunch of articles you are free to read, although I suspect you will dismiss them.

I disagree with their lifestyle (as well as the lifestyles of many others). I'll support everyone's ability to dislike something, but completely disagree with discrimination. There are more who think like that than you want to believe . . .

Oh, so that's why still to this day you can legally fire someone for being gay or trans and why Republicans have unanimously blocked every attempt to redress that issue by adding sexual orientation and identity to the CRA.

Meh, I'm not bothering with the rest.
You read this...

... and that's your conclusion???

No. It was not the segment you just quoted which occasioned my comment. I already quoted a few examples at the bequest of MikeMcmann. The same bigotry is found in the several other threads on this and similar topics throughout the past few days. I thought the extent to which so many American leftists seem to despise religious people and/or American southerners was worth noting.
Black people? You mean the ones that are aborted most disproportionately? This will lead to more college football players that you love and value so much.

I only watch college ball for the prospects.
OK, sake of argument, let's say a state or city became heavily Muslim and decided to enshrine halal dietary restrictions in law.

Would you seriously argue that that wasn't "A law respecting the establishment of a religion"?

Would you seriously say that the rights of religious minority groups were not being violated?

I actually don't support abortion.

But I do support people's rights to make decisions about their own lives that they feel are rational and pragmatic free of my tempermental preferences and metaphysical assumptions.

I personally find abortion disturbing and would never recommend that anyone get an abortion (except perhaps in extreme cases). That's how I know I am unprejudiced on this.

I also recognize that my feelings, beliefs and assumptions on the matter are just that-- my feelings, beliefs and assumptions. I have no interest in-- or right to-- legislate those feelings, beliefs and assumptions onto another person when there is no indisputable RATIONAL grounds for me doing so.

That's what real liberalism looks like, by the way.
First they come for your babies and then they come for your guns.
You know where else abortions were illegal? Nazi Germany.
I'm not sure of a single country where the policy of not allowing women to so freely kill a baby is enacted or in effect?

I'm not sure how not having the right to kill babies is going to cause a society to crumble? Wanna draw that connection out for me please.
Try this again: Name some countries that have outlawed abortions. If you can't think of any, I'll help you, but I'd rather deal with someone willing to look up easily accessible information. Then look at the outcomes of those policies and ask if those are countries you want to model your society after. That should be more than enough evidence to make the connection between stable, prosperous societies and access to abortion.
Is a Zygote a person? Life begins at conception. It's life. It's alive. You've created life! It's sex is already determined at this stage, and it has it's own strand of DNA! Regardless of scale. But a Zygote is neither here nor there as an embryo develops very quickly out of this stage. Cells divide and replicate a very fast rate within the first few days/weeks.



hi Mccountry,

how big is that zygote/person thing?

from the picture you posted, its approximately the size of a Big Mac. its confusing to me, because it seems that zygotes are even bigger than the 6 week old things you've been posting.

should it have personhood rights? if a woman undergoes a procedure to have that zygote nuked out of existence, is that murder also?

can you murder a zygote person? i'm asking, because you don't believe in a 25 week limit on abortion. you don't believe in a 24 week limit on abortion. you don't believe in a 5 week limit on abortion.

you believe in a millisecond limit on abortion. you believe there should be zygote personhood jurisprudence.


Try this again: Name some countries that have outlawed abortions. If you can't think of any, I'll help you, but I'd rather deal with someone willing to look up easily accessible information. Then look at the outcomes of those policies and ask if those are countries you want to model your society after. That should be more than enough evidence to make the connection between stable, prosperous societies and access to abortion.

Ok well I'm not going to help you try and dig up an argument to kill innocent babies. I just don't see one that's valid beyond the fetus's life or the life of the mother being at risk.

Not a woman butI couldn't imagine being forced to carry a child to term if I didn't want to or knew that it was the result of a horrible decision or crime. It's literally my body and my sanity on the line.
"You shouldn't be having sex then degenerate" they will say.
The desire to reproduce(have sex) is literally up there with eating, drinking, and breathing biologically. It's going to happen.
I saw a tweet that seemed to sum that part up to me.

Rape the woman = 10 years in jail.
Abort the rape pregnancy = 99 years in jail.

I don't know if those numbers are accurate but the sentiment is, the rapist will spend less time in jail for the crime than his victim will for trying to not carry that child.
Is a Zygote a person? Life begins at conception. It's life. It's alive. You've created life! It's sex is already determined at this stage, and it has it's own strand of DNA! Regardless of scale. But a Zygote is neither here nor there as an embryo develops very quickly out of this stage. Cells divide and replicate a very fast rate within the first few days/weeks.



Where do you stand on doctors and families being able to pull the plug on people in vegetative states? That's murder too, right?
hi Mccountry,

how big is that zygote/person thing?

from the picture you posted, its approximately the size of a Big Mac. its confusing to me, because it seems that zygotes are even bigger than the 6 week old things you've been posting.

should it have personhood rights? if a woman undergoes a procedure to have that zygote nuked out of existence, is that murder also?

can you murder a zygote person? i'm asking, because you don't believe in a 25 week limit on abortion. you don't believe in a 24 week limit on abortion. you don't believe in a 5 week limit on abortion.

you believe in a millisecond limit on abortion. you believe there should be zygote personhood jurisprudence.



Zygote is suppper sper tiny.

Yes it's alive. :)

So very tiny.

It's so tiny and yet so alive.

I'd say the morning after pill is your last hope of not being unwantingly preggers.