After watching Nog, Fedor, Mirko, Barnett, Cain, this is depressing

All those guys who’d get smashed by Frank?

Fedor can’t handle Mitrione or Maldonado lol give him Francis so we can really see his career end
Fedor would have nothing for either of these monsters.
You're living in the past.

He would get rocked on the feet, and he wouldn't be able to take either of them down. His best chance would be subbing them from his back, but neither of them would have to resort to taking him down. They would simply clobber him like a middle weight.
Match ups make fights
I don’t think that’s true.
—I feel like we learned a good deal more about Gane last night. He’s obviously a great striker and has good movement, but he’s pretty unlikely to KO Fedor standing—he’s just not a huge power puncher type. His TDD looked very suspect and he was pretty green on the ground. I get that there’s a size difference, but Fedor is a dude with Olympic level judo, and the best sambo on the planet for a period of several years. And while Gane just dropped a decision to Ngannou (which almost no one predicted), Fedor’s never lost a decision in his entire career. I mean, it’s a fun fight to think about and none of us know how it’d go for sure, but I have to assume Fedor either figures him out eventually and lands a bomb, or outpaces him and wins a decision.

—Ngannou’s power is obv the big question mark. If he connects clean, I agree Fedor goes to sleep. But people severely underestimate Fedor’s movement in his prime. That Fujita incident was the one time someone clipped Fedor like that in a decade. Ngannou was whiffing at all kinds of shit last night, and if you think Fedor—a fighter whose striking defense over the course of his career is on par with Gane’s, and who only absorbed an average of 1 strike per minute—couldn’t do the same, I think you’re mistaken. And I get that Ngannou is a crazy strong athlete, but I certainly think Fedor could take him down. I’m actually having a hard time thinking of any opponent that Fedor tried to take down and just couldn’t, other than 7’2” 350 lbs HMC. Even a clearly diminished Fedor tossed 6’5” 280 lb Brett Rogers like nothing. A lot of people imagine Fedor getting mollywhopped by Frank on the ground like the Bigfoot fight, but I’m less sure. #1, Bigfoot is a bigger, heavier dude than Frank, and is a BJJ black belt. Ngannou looked very green on the ground the longer those exchanges went on. And #2, were talking about peak Fedor here, not the 2011 version whose grappling was greatly diminished.
Yeah, if Hendo beat Fedor, imagine what Mark Hunt or Schilt would do to him!

I swear people on this forum are getting stupider by the day. Those who say that what we saw yesterday represents the pinnacle of HW technique and a new benchmark unprecedented in history are fucking imbeciles.
Even comparing Francis to Carwin is dumb. Carwin had top notch wrestling (easily avoided Brock's takedown), great clinch game (destroyed Mir) and could TKO people with super short punches.

Lol get out of here carwin would get destroyed by Francis.
All of those guys would get DESTROYED by Francis or Gane.

It wouldn't be competitive
The sloppy days of Pride are long gone.
Fedor got his shit packed by a 40 year old MW and CroCop was nearly killer by a gatekeeper in his UFC debut

Right, because Barnett vs Nog was so sloppy.

Yesterday was such a technical fight.
Fedor would have nothing for either of these monsters.
You're living in the past.

He would get rocked on the feet, and he wouldn't be able to take either of them down. His best chance would be subbing them from his back, but neither of them would have to resort to taking him down. They would simply clobber him like a middle weight.
Match ups make fights

Fedor subs Gane easily

Idk if he beats Francis
Ngannou ran through post epo cain, like he was a child
I feel like Fedor beats everyone except BB, Stipe and Ngannou. Everyone else he would sub or TKO inside five minutes. I include JBJ if he ever actually gets the sand out of his Vagina and fights at HW.
Nothing against Francis or stipe but they came at one of the worst times in UFC HW history.

Heavy weight MMA has seen better days
Lol at Francis fanboys trying to pretend he didn’t fight like shit
Right, because Barnett vs Nog was so sloppy.

Yesterday was such a technical fight.
I’m glad someone has a clue in this thread …. New fans don’t have any idea …..annoying…..Fedor would destroy these big cans
Alright folks, let's take a breath and calm down with the excessive flaming please.

Much luv
I thought it was great? Gane brought what he usually does and showed some absolute balls fighting hands down and throwing spinning shit at Francis who developed so much t's crazy.
By developed you mean just lay and praying ? Without doing any damage whatsoever
This thread really exposes the shills. UFC fan boys are so insecure. They cant accept the fact that UFCs HW division is shit and has regressed badly. Derrick Lewis being a top 3 title contender should be all the proof you need. Fedor would have stomped an African mercury mudhole in both of the guys last night.
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That is some strange logic. Francis doesn't have a bunch of cans he would knock out in 3 seconds on his resume like Fedor does to fluff up his record. It's like Khabib. Dude, you have over 50% of your wins against nobodies. 29-0 becomes far less impressive when you take all the facts into account. Not everyone fights a bunch of bums during their prime, while they are the man.
I'll just quote myself I guess.
That makes up 28% of Fedor's fights... now lets do it for Francis Ngannou:

Bojan Mihajlović (10-6)
William Baldutti (7-4)
Luc Ngeleka (5-3)
Nicolas Specq (3-2)
Bilal Tahtahi (0-3)
Rachid Benzina (0-1)

That makes up 30% of Ngannou's fights.

Every fighter has a quarter of their fights against lesser opponents. Everyone... and just so show what I'm talking about, here is Jon Jones:

Matt Hamill (13-8)
Moyses Gabin (5-5)
Parker Porter (11-6)
Andre Gusmao (6-3)
Ryan Verrett (3-4)
Anthony Pina (0-1)
Brad Bernard (0-2)

That is 29% of Jon Jones' fights.

This shit is normal but people seem to think Fedor should have fought 50 different UFC champions.
Y'all live in some magic land where Fedor was apparently supposed to have fought 50 different ranked fighters.