I'm bored so I'm gonna type an essay on what I would love to see AEW do with their titles.
Cut the Continental title. Have Kenny and Okada merge the Continental into the International at the stadium show in Texas and call it a day on that title. The Continental Classic should be for a shot at the World Championship like the G1. It seemed weird that a brutal month long round robin tournament was to become the 3rd or 4th most important championship in the company, meanwhile people were getting World title shots after random thrown together gauntlets and casino battle royals and other casino fuckery.
World Championship - the World title needs a whole lot of rehab, it really needs to feel like the biggest prize in the business and it really doesn't. They gotta get someone that feels like "that guy" and start putting their asses on talk shows, get the AEW title belt back on screen, get the AEW title belt on TV shows, ESPN, The Tonight Show, fucking something. The World Championship hasn't been shown on television in 5 months, wrap this dumb shit up.
International Championship - shouldn't be as prestigious as the World title, but should be right under it like the WWF Intercontinental title used to be back in the day. If the World title is 1A, this should be 1B. If the World title isn't the main event on a show, this title should be. That's why I like guys like Kenny Omega fighting for it. It's something prestigious enough that former World Champions want this also.
TNT Championship - make this an actual TV title that is defended at least twice a month on TV with a 10 minute time limit, the time limit gimmick made TV titles so much fun back in the day and could actually make this title interesting
Tag - They're fine
Trios - I love the idea of Trios titles, get groups and stables a good thing to fight over, but these titles have seemed forgetten about for a long time, Death Riders have finally defended them recently, but Cope has apparently injured them all, so I guess it's back to them not being defended. Either give a fuck about the titles or get rid of them.
Women's World - it's fine, Toni and Mariah actually feel like World Champions.
TBS - see TNT title above, same thing
That's way more than enough titles. Get any and all mention of ROH titles off of AEW TV.