Advice you would give your 21 year old self.

1. Keep on praying going to church
2. Talk less, smile more
3. What you're feeling IS depression, talk to a professional about it
4. When you go to Amsterdam, BUY that Body Count T-shirt
5. Your life will turn out better than you could ever hope for
6. Keep the faith and stay the course.

My man
In no order of importance

1. Lift.
2. Stay away from porn. Actually, stay away from orgasms. You don't need them if you don't try to have kids.
3. Lay off the booze.
4. Atheism is for homos.
5. Stop lying. Truth hurts, but accepting it makes you stronger.
6. Study fast and immerse yourself in that shit. Otherwise you're gonna waste a fuckload of time and are not ready when you should start your family.
7. When out with a girl, take a minute to answer the question: "Is this one the sort of woman I want to father kids with?" If the honest answer is no, GTFO as soon as possible.
8. Your testosterone is low as fuck. Start TRT ASAP.
Currently 27.

Advice for 21 year old me.

1) Learn how to empty my mind and be in the moment. I still struggle with this, but its made me much happier now than when I was 21 years old.

2) Everything ends one day, so stop fretting about losing something (a relationship, or material object or your ability to do something) because one day you will lose it. Learn to enjoy them and make the most of them. Remember that it will hurt when their gone, but your life will move on, and you will be a better person in the end.

3) Expand your horizons as quickly as you can. Try as many different things as you can as fast as you can. When something gives you that anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach, fkin GO FOR IT!

4) Socialise more. Seek out ppl with similar interests and connect with them. Don't expect to meet interesting ppl in Bars or Clubs. Go there for the music and booze when you feel like it.
Don't purchase so much stuff, the society program's us in an effort to keep the economy don't need shit to be happy, it's a dead end....Stay away from opiates..
I was 21 back in 2003.
I would tell myself to put stock in Apple.