Find me a 40 lb hammer and tell me where you got it. I'm interested. I've seen them at one place and they were a bit pricey. Heaviest I've seen in person is a 20 lb sledge (my favorite tool on construction sites), but yeah, a regular sledgehammer is what we're after here. I use my six lb sledge just fine, but clay edgin can use an 18.5 lb sledge for some of the same exercises. there are basically three exercises.
- The first is taking the sledge in one hand, holding it straight up in down with your arm at crucifix position (or it can also be straight in front of you). now, slowly lower it to your dome making an arc with the head of the sledgehammer, and raise it back up to starting postition (perpendicular to both your arm and the ground).
- The second is the opposite range of motion. Put a sledge head down and handle up on the ground. Now grab it by the handle and arc it up in front of you (there will be some bicep cheating on this one, guaranteed).
- The third exercise is rotational. For this I usually rest my lower arm on a bench or something with my hand over the end, but I've seen it reccomeneded you do this from standing as well. Sledge in hand rotate your wrist clockwise and counter-clockwise back and forth.
This is basic levering.
A blockweight is the chopped off head of a dumbell. Originally blockweights (blobs) came from york dumbells (cyllindrical with a slight arch on the sides) however, since those are no longer being produced, hex blockweights are a common substitute. The only one I have right now is a pair from a 65 lb dumbell. They're great for snatches, clean and jerks, farmer's walks, and just tossing them back and forth from hand to hand while catching them overhand.
ok, on farmer walks what you can do to substitute for heavy dumbells is use a trap bar. Load it up, stand in the middle, and take it for a stroll. I reccomend a medium distance of 70-100 feet. How to go about doing it? set a goal of 10 walks in 20 minutes. When you get that goal at a certain weight, increase the weight next time. IE, if you could only get 9 walks in 20 minutes this week, keep it the same. If you got 10, increase the weight for next time.