Addiction is getting Worse! Intervention Needed!


White Belt
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
I have only been doing Bjj for 4 months, usually 2xs a week and a third open mat day on Saturday. I suck balls. I normally roll with blues who have a minimum of 2-3 years under their belt. I tap 194837204482 times a night. And the only 2 taps I have gotten have been against another noob with about a month less than me. I friggin love it.

This week my schedule allowed me to go 4 times and 1 open mat. Now, looking at the week ahead I can't see myself only going 2x's again. I am already planning ways to sneak out of work and do an afternoon class, shoot home, shower, and head back to work. (Work, home, and jits are all 5 minutes from each other, I am lucky)...Problem is, sure I would get away with sneaking out of work once, maybe twice, but I can see it becoming a habit. I am a project manager for a huge corporation so going in the "field" is common but I may start jonesin for jits and it could get me in trouble. I coach my daughters soccer team, so those nights are not doable...I find myself blabbing about to anyone who will listen and I am already dropping hints to my wife that we are gonna have to work out a way I can go more...

IS this normal?

I also hit the gym for cardio for like 30 minutes but after this week who in their right mind wants to go to the gym when I could do jits 4-5 times a week.

I am not the type to "buy in" into things very easily, kinda cynical, but BJJ has changed my life...Has this addiction happened to you guys?
IF so, how do you handle it? Seriously...
Don't sneak out of work to train. You can't train if you can't pay for it.
The best cure to BJJ addiction is injury caused by overtraining.
I feel you. I've only been training about 6 months and used to roll with blues and above and all I could say is "I don't know where to go from here". Now that I can flow a lot better and understand basic positions, I have more confidance, and enjoy it much more. I find myself going over moves in my mind all the time. When I'm working I'm thinking about technique and what to concentrate on once I hit the gym. Overall I still suck but when I roll with guys with equal experience I realize that I've improved greatly.
The best cure to BJJ addiction is injury caused by overtraining.

Heh heh, so true =)
Ditto suggestion not to sneak out of work, BTW.
For what it's worth I eventually settled down into a consistent pace and obsessed less, but still felt dedicated after a 2-3 months. Albeit having to take a month off after injury helped.

You can always hit the weights mid-day too (if you're the sort that enjoys that, I do). -- It's often easier to fit in your schedule and gives you a chance to put your body to work--the feeling of physical exertion and making progress is part of BJJ addiction I think (for me at least).
I'm the same way man. I was thinking earlier today about if my school was so successful it started having afternoon classes if there was anyway I could get out of work to go train and get back again.

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For some reason I kept reading the title as "Affliction"...
For some reason I kept reading the title as "Affliction"...

same hereeee.

the best way to get tired of bjj. is keep doing what your doing. but, this is bjj. and you PAY for your classes. so the classes are made easy. old school high school wrestling that i did i got sick of it fast. but i stuck in it. the practices were hard AS BALLS. maybe you need to go through a hard practice
I have only been doing Bjj for 4 months, usually 2xs a week and a third open mat day on Saturday. I suck balls. I normally roll with blues who have a minimum of 2-3 years under their belt. I tap 194837204482 times a night. And the only 2 taps I have gotten have been against another noob with about a month less than me. I friggin love it.

This week my schedule allowed me to go 4 times and 1 open mat. Now, looking at the week ahead I can't see myself only going 2x's again. I am already planning ways to sneak out of work and do an afternoon class, shoot home, shower, and head back to work. (Work, home, and jits are all 5 minutes from each other, I am lucky)...Problem is, sure I would get away with sneaking out of work once, maybe twice, but I can see it becoming a habit. I am a project manager for a huge corporation so going in the "field" is common but I may start jonesin for jits and it could get me in trouble. I coach my daughters soccer team, so those nights are not doable...I find myself blabbing about to anyone who will listen and I am already dropping hints to my wife that we are gonna have to work out a way I can go more...

IS this normal?

I also hit the gym for cardio for like 30 minutes but after this week who in their right mind wants to go to the gym when I could do jits 4-5 times a week.

I am not the type to "buy in" into things very easily, kinda cynical, but BJJ has changed my life...Has this addiction happened to you guys?
IF so, how do you handle it? Seriously...

Average? No.

Normal? Yes!

I do the same thing. Get a Blackberry and while you take a water break shoot emails to people Cc everybody.
I do the same thing. Get a Blackberry and while you take a water break shoot emails to people Cc everybody.

LOL, good idea. I am out of the office doing field surveys half the week might be on to something...
The only thing that solves this is injury. Then when you recover the addiction starts right back up. Needless to say, BJJ is definitely not the worst thing you can be addicted to.
Man i know how you are, reading this I am getting all antsy and that trembling in my stomach that can only be quenched by rolling.... Only 12 more hours till class
..Problem is, sure I would get away with sneaking out of work once, maybe twice, but I can see it becoming a habit. I am a project manager for a huge corporation so going in the "field" is common but I may start jonesin for jits and it could get me in trouble.

Pull the corporate approach. Bring your business partners along as if you were going golfing with them, lol.
In my case, when I get injured, it makes it worse because I have to obsess all the time, watch tons of vids, google my injury to make sure i ll be able to train again, etc...
just don't start a blog... this forum will destroy you.