Add another one to (Canada)

Thread needs to be wastelanded. Why the fuck is the Real Media even reporting on this development? This is the exact opposite of what we need right now. Unbelievable.
It is inconvenient that more and more fakehatecrimes are being uncovered from the leftist / islamist point of view. But it is indeed newsworthy.

False reports are fine. Just be happy they were false reports. Nothing to see here. LOL.

My God, I hope we smarten up and vote these morons out. Wynne seems to be heading out the door, but Trudeau is another matter.

True but what we have on the right over here isn't any better. From muzzling government scientist, to comparing heroin to weed(Who payed Harper to say that?), to trying to always please Evangelical Christian voters. Comparable or not, they're all full of shit and each have their shitty agendas. Lets not act like the Conservative government wouldn't be avoiding any accountability if this was their problem to deal with.

We're fucked either way. Nobody can honestly point to anyone in politics today and say, "that's the good guy/girl." Your vote really doesn't matter in the long run. Sticking to one side through the thick and thin over a few things you agree with makes you part of the problem.

Let's not be hacks. Instead of pointing the finger back and forth at each other, we need to turn all our attention to the people in power. Or else we're just puppets playing the game they want us to be playing.
The Libby media up here will just go, "Oh' well, it didn't happen. No big deal. Islamaphobia is still very real", and then just move on with their agenda.

Here we see the Toronto "Red" Star proving you right:

A girl’s hijab story isn’t true. But we’d be fools to believe anti-Muslim hatred doesn’t exist in Canada
A false accusation of a hate crime is rare, but it most hurts communities already reeling from the effect of those inflicting terrorism in the name of their religion.

A mother in tears.

“I don’t know why he did that. It’s just not Canada.”

Ooh, that one was lapped up.

“It’s not Canada” adheres to the common narrative of discrimination being just a blip in the social fabric rather than a daily reality for many Canadians. But the incident was rightly condemned by people of various political stripeThe girl became an instant poster child of Islamophobic excesses threatening to crack the face of Canada’s vaunted tolerance.

But on Monday, when police said the incident didn’t happen — they say this is based on evidence from interviews and surveillance footage — and that no charges were laid, some Canadians showed just how thin that veneer is. From the medieval gutters of Twitter arose the cry to “charge the kid with maximum punishment” or to “charge the mother.” This, from people who like the rest of us have no idea of the circumstances that led to this hoax. This, from people, who in the same breath, are decrying media for not getting all its facts first.

There is a difference between news that turns out to be false and fake news. The latter involves the deliberate spreading of misinformation.

In this case, the media appears to have followed standard procedure. A police release sought assistance in identifying a person accused of religion-based harassment. Journalists followed up by seeking quotes from the family in question. Certainly more questions need to be asked now to ascertain how this happened.

As the police said, a false accusation of a hate crime is rare. But it most hurts communities already reeling from the effect of those inflicting terrorism in the name of their religion.

It also undermines the fight against Islamophobia. At the best of times, those fighting to dismantle discrimination do so with their credibility constantly on the line. Whether the fight is against sexual assault, claiming rights to land or simply claiming humanhood, authority rests with those who benefit from the system — or at least those who lose nothing from it.

An incident like this gives people the ammunition to leverage the rare false report and use it to invalidate larger issues of anti-Muslim hate.

I like how they say this was standard procedure. How could it be standard procedure to plaster a child's face and name all over the media like that? There have been many incidents where children have been attacked. I remember a hoax from like 10 years ago where a girl said that a man in a ski mask tried to abduct her outside an elementary school in East York. The next day the cops released a statement saying it was a hoax. Good thing that the little girl's name and picture weren't broadcast to the entire world, right? Why the hell was this girl holding a press conference an hour after being "victimized"?

It's obvious why the media was so gung-ho about identifying the girl and showing her and her family. They wanted to put a face to the the overwhelming Islamophobia of KKKanada. People are driven by emotions and story-driven narratives will spur us to action much more easily than logic or fact based ones; for example, a picture of a dead kid on a beach will get people to support mass immigration more than studies and data showing that the same immigration would be beneficial for their community. It's just how we're wired I guess. Our media is constantly pushing a narrative that Muslims are permanent victims, and non-Muslims are oppressive pieces of shit, so this was a perfect way to advance that. Also makes any Heritage Committee recommendations on M-103 that much more palatable to the public.


See how now they are blocking the girl's face and not mentioning her name. But when they thought that there was a scissor-wielding maniac out there who twice tried to attack her, they thought it was ok to show her face and also broadcast her name and the school she goes to???
You wont get much, if any of a retraction or correction from the likes of Trudeau and the media because as far as they are concerned the fake hate crime and fake news have done their job.

Either way the message is the same:

Fake hate crime that never happened - It doesn't matter because Muslims are the ones under attack. They are still the real victims in all of this. Islamophobia is the main problem we must tackle.

Very real terror attack with many dead and injured - It doesn't matter because Muslims are the ones under attack. They are the real victims in all of this. Islamophobia is the main problem we must tackle.
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So the media in Toronto has been going crazy the last few days over the story of an 11 year old Muslim girl who said that she was attacked by a man on the way to school last week. She said that he came up twice began cutting her hijab off with scissors.


The only witness was her brother. Her mom (pictured below) was at her side at the press conference.


Something about this wasn't right. I'm very familiar with the area, the idea that nobody would have witnessed this at 830 in the morning is stretching credulity - it's a busy area. And she's holding a press conference like an hour after it happened from her classroom? Have you ever heard of something like this? An underage victim with her name and face plastered all over the media, within 2 hours of the alleged crime taking place. I've never seen anything like that.

Almost immediately, all 3 levels of government here weighed in. Mayor Tory, Premier Wynne, and of course:

Violent crime happens every day in this city, province and country but this was such a big deal that they all had to signal their virtue - as soon as possible.

Well, the other shoe has dropped:

Alleged attack on hijab-wearing girl didn’t happen: Police

Interesting to note how the CBC is framing it with their headline:

Toronto police say attack on 11-year-old girl in a hijab did not happen as reported

"As reported" lmao, it's still real to them. I thought this was too convenient, coming as we're waiting for the M-103 recommendations to come back from the Heritage Committee. And her story was obvious bullshit: how do you cut a hijab off a struggling girl without hurting her?? The real question here is who put her up to it.

Muslims + Leftwingers who hate themselves and their country (In both Canada and USA) are a extremely ignorant, dangerous mix. Look at all the Sherdoggers in here who hate their own skin color and country. They'd sell out their own American/Canadians in a heartbeat if it meant to get brownie points from some minority group, let alone Muslims.
Not surprised. Your threads are zzz, suck and you probably went all in believing this Muslim's cartoonish story.

His thread title was like Alt Right White Guy assaults Muslim Girl

Many posters warned him he might be wrong. Their warnings were followed by Hot Dog GIFs
His thread title was like Alt Right White Guy assaults Muslim Girl

Many posters warned him he might be wrong. Their warnings were followed by Hot Dog GIFs
He's been disingenuous many times. He's also the kind of guy who probably actively looks for other men in public to fuck his girl.
yesterday the original story AND the debunking were both on the front page of <23>
@sangreporsangre I think your initial post about the time between the fake assault and the press conference is wrong. They were saying on the radio this morning that the press conference was at 245pm not 945am (45 mins after the alleged assault)

I don't know how I feel about this anymore, I think I was a little too harsh in my initial response, I'm beginning to think the parents probably had nothing to do with this and the girl just made it up on her own, otherwise wouldn't the police be looking at investigating the parents for mischief or something?

Watching the CBC play damage control on this was hilarious though, they had some hate crime lady saying incidents like this should not take away from the actual hate crimes marginalized communities experience. Ya OK lady sure, but it makes you wonder how often these things are faked.
From the article above, one claim that I see used more and more often is that X marginalized group is having it’s “personhood/humanhood denied”.

This is just absolute nonsense speech. Yes, in the past and likely still now groups have had that happen, whether it be claims of Jews having descended from an animal separate to man, or blacks or asians having branches off the evolutionary web at a different point, but none of those views are prominent or relevant today, in this country, nor have they been generally used on the groups which are claiming that this is happening to them.

To me it’s become a good red-flag, an indicator of the author or speakers ideological bent. Which doesn’t mean their whole point should be dismissed, as I do agree that one of the casualties of false accusations is the perception of legitimacy of other legitimate accusations.
Are they going to be charged with making a false police report?!

Is that Trudeau idiot going to make some sort of public statement?!

No and no
There’s been similar events in the past where children have claimed some event concerning a fictitious assailant which has been investigated and no charges were laid. I don’t see the necessity to lay criminal charges on a child in such a case.

If the parent(s) were found to have known this to be untrue and not spoken up, or encouraged or coached the child to lie, that’s an entirely different matter, but there’s currently no reason to suspect that to be the case.
A muslim who is a fucking liar.....shocking......fucking shocking.
@sangreporsangre I think your initial post about the time between the fake assault and the press conference is wrong. They were saying on the radio this morning that the press conference was at 245pm not 945am (45 mins after the alleged assault)

I don't know how I feel about this anymore, I think I was a little too harsh in my initial response, I'm beginning to think the parents probably had nothing to do with this and the girl just made it up on her own, otherwise wouldn't the police be looking at investigating the parents for mischief or something?

Watching the CBC play damage control on this was hilarious though, they had some hate crime lady saying incidents like this should not take away from the actual hate crimes marginalized communities experience. Ya OK lady sure, but it makes you wonder how often these things are faked.

The CBC posted the report at 9:49 am on the Friday that it "happened", and that' the first article I used in the OP. But you know what, maybe the first thing they posted was just a bare bones report of what the police had reported, and maybe they edited in the press conference footage and pictures that afternoon. 2:45 pm makes a hell of a lot more sense for all the reporters to be there, as well as her mom and grandma. The earlier time wouldn't rule that out although would make it a lot less possible.

I think my point stands though: since when do we have a kid with their face and name all over the news for something like this? Whether it was 1 hour or 5 hours later, that seems really fucked. I don't buy the idea that she went through with this hoax just because she didn't want to wear hijab anymore. I mean it's plausible: she could point to her parents that it's not safe to wear it. That would speak to some pretty messed up values imo if a girl would have to come up with an elaborate ruse like that so her parents would let her leave her house with her hair uncovered. Also speaks to our media narrative of Islamophobia, if a child would find that to be an easy sell. But I don't see why she would involve her brother and why the hell she would speak to the media. Why her mother would friggin LET her speak to the media. Unless there was an agenda at play. One way to tell if it really was just her not wanting to wear it would be if she stops wearing it going forward. But we really wouldn't have any way of knowing that, unless the media follows her around which I hope they don't.
Regarding charging the kid or her mom: it's really not a good look to charge a kid like her for something like this. No good would really come of it. As for the mother, how would they prove that she put the kid up to this? I don't think the TPS want to launch a full investigation into this family. I'm sure they'd much rather just move on.

What stuck out to me was how the cops said that they determined it was fake from security camera footage. I can see that, like I said this is a busy area surrounded by apartment buildings and stores. I just can't see how if you have 2 kids as young as that telling a bullshit story that you would need to get to the point of going to these places and checking the footage. Should be pretty damn easy to catch them in bullshit, especially the little brother. I mean we saw how the girl spoke at her press conference....she must be a damn good liar and the story must have been pretty rehearsed if it didn't fall apart quickly. Especially since the brother was involved like I said. But what a waste of our popo's time to have to go to these places and get their security camera footage.
Regarding charging the kid or her mom: it's really not a good look to charge a kid like her for something like this. No good would really come of it. As for the mother, how would they prove that she put the kid up to this? I don't think the TPS want to launch a full investigation into this family. I'm sure they'd much rather just move on.

What stuck out to me was how the cops said that they determined it was fake from security camera footage. I can see that, like I said this is a busy area surrounded by apartment buildings and stores. I just can't see how if you have 2 kids as young as that telling a bullshit story that you would need to get to the point of going to these places and checking the footage. Should be pretty damn easy to catch them in bullshit, especially the little brother. I mean we saw how the girl spoke at her press conference....she must be a damn good liar and the story must have been pretty rehearsed if it didn't fall apart quickly. Especially since the brother was involved like I said. But what a waste of our popo's time to have to go to these places and get their security camera footage.

I hear what you're saying with regards to it being difficult to prove anything, and a bit of a waste of resources, however, this is the flip side of a 'hate-crime' and should be treated as seriously as a hate-crime. Maybe it's just a little girl caught up in her own lie, but maybe it's not.

When the story broke, maybe it was a hate crime, maybe it was just some crazy person who got their hands on a pair of scissors. But we know how it was handled, which version the media ran with. I think the same amount of ink and sweat should be spilled to get to the bottom of this to determine if this was a simple lie, or a hate crime against the wider community!
LoL at trudo for jumping the gun here. He looked like a can. The whole thing with the media looked forced.

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