I'm getting acl reconstruction surgery in a month or so. I tore it about 8+ months back. I'm worried about being able to do normal stuff again post surgery.
Based on your experience, how long before I can normally function (walk, lift) again, as i either use public transport or drive a manual (but that doesnt matter, because its my right knee thats going to get worked on, so no driving). Also, i'm going to get an autograft from a hamstring tendon. Based on what i read, they are going to get 2 hamstring tendons and use that to reaplce the acl. What is the purpose of the hamstring tendon, and would removing this affect hamstring strength, specifically deadlifts?
I'm getting acl reconstruction surgery in a month or so. I tore it about 8+ months back. I'm worried about being able to do normal stuff again post surgery.
Based on your experience, how long before I can normally function (walk, lift) again, as i either use public transport or drive a manual (but that doesnt matter, because its my right knee thats going to get worked on, so no driving). Also, i'm going to get an autograft from a hamstring tendon. Based on what i read, they are going to get 2 hamstring tendons and use that to reaplce the acl. What is the purpose of the hamstring tendon, and would removing this affect hamstring strength, specifically deadlifts?