aches & pains


White Belt
May 21, 2008
Reaction score
Tried a few phrases on the search function but couldn't find anything. Also looked at the injuries sticky and think this thread would be in the acceptables.

So.... what it is is that I'm currently doing muay thai twice a week (Mon & Fri) and weights Wednesdays.

I've been lifting weights for a couple of years (just weights) with up and down experiences. It's recently that I've picked up on the martial arts.

Problem is is that I'm finding myself feeling very sore for say up to 2-3 days after a muay thai class. I've also always found this with the weights but thought it was completely normal due to the strain being placed on the body but I'm experimenting with the weights at the moment and am only doing 1 heavy set of 8 reps for exercises like squat etc and it's still happening... which on the side makes me wonder how you guys do some of the weights routines posted on here and are still able to do other regular training.

I'd like to end up with a weekly plan that looks like this...

Mon: muay thai
Tues: cardio
Wed: weights
Thurs: light cardio or rest day
Fri: muay thai
Sat: jiu jitsu
Sun: light cardio or rest

But at present the aches I'm getting arent making that look possible. I'd like to do the weights routine tonight but my legs are still sore from Monday night's muay thai.

I warm down and stretch after each session and am also trying to stretch throughout the day.

Any advice on what I could do to improve this situation? Because obviously its effecting the training that I want to do and secondly its uncomfortable going through most days aching!!

How long have you been doing the MT? just like weight lifting your body will get used to a new workout. Same thing happens if you change your reps. Give it some time and it'll go away, if it's been awhile and still won't go away you probably have to correct some things.

Things that help recovery (no particular order)
- Active recovery directly after and the next day
- Foam Roller etc.
- Contrast showers
- Proper nutrition
- Sleep
its very hard to diagnose someone online through a forum with limited knowledge
ya tell me about aches and pains i did my MT on a carpet last night with no shoes and my trainer had me kicking oxygen tanks to toughen my shins i'm all fucked up and looking forward to sunday's session.
it may be because you changed your weight routine and added weights. i never get sore from lifting because i do mon,tues,thurs,fri weights and wed,sun muay thai. but i did get sore these past two weeks just by shifting from drop sets and rest pause to regular 4 sets 8-12 reps. i'll get sore again when i switch back to drop sets too. just give it time i would say and maybe do more of what you are used too along with muay thai don't change everything at once if you want to avoid being too sore.
Do you smoke? I used to ache alot for a day or 2 after workouts when i smoked.
I changed my weights from 3 times a week though because I'd always be sore the next day. Maybe I'm doing too much intensity??

Do you smoke? I used to ache alot for a day or 2 after workouts when i smoked.

Used to, not heavily though. Last time I did smoke was in Feb.
well if you do alot of drop sets and you do them correctly you will always be sore after lifting i would say. i get a little sore but not too bad during my drop set months i don't know maybe you are killing yourself. do you take any supplements or do enough stretching that can be big. my back used to kill me but now i do stretches more and it's alot better try some out.
Don't do drop sets. At the moment just 1 set of each exercise at full intensity for 8 reps, eg. just about struggle to get the last rep out.
Only about a month now, do you think this is normal then?

Thanks for the recovery tips, I will have to try them.

That's about the tail end of how long it should hurt IMO, but any increase or change in training will provide you with some DOMS.
You should start worrying when you start feeling sore constantly. That's when you are overtraining and should tone it down a bit.
I've read it can take up to 8 weeks for the body to acclimatize to a new training protocol (I think Randy Couture said it, dunno).

I echo Standard's suggestions with contrast showers, nutrition and proper (8 hr) sleep.

I'll add epsom salt baths in warm water will help decrease muscle spasms and if done right before bed will promote a good, deep sleep. Toss in some lavender aromatherapy oil for increased relaxation or eucalyptus for increased muscle relaxation.

One of my secrets to staying pain free and healing up fast is to drop 3-4 pellets of Arnica Montana 200 CH homeopathic remedy in my workout water. It really makes a difference and homeopathics are safe. It pretty much doubles my normal healing times... if say a bruise goes away normally in a week with this stuff it's gone in 4 days. It's cheap, try it and see how you feel.