Academic probation is a bitch


Brown Belt
Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
I was once a 3.0-4.0 student in school but something happened in high school. I became depressed and would ditch school constantly, not do homework, I even drew pictures on my tests. I don't know what it was. Maybe my parents' divorce. Then I went to jr college and did poor there too but I was under shutter circumstances. My father had gotten arrested and went to jail and later prison for life. On top of that I couldn't afford a car and I was working so I had to bike to school, then work, then home. Shit was ridiculous. I ending up failing or dropping half of my classes.

Fast forward 4 1/2 years, I'm 23 and in the Air Force. I have matured and changed completely. I signed up for college again and they told me I'm still on academic probation, 4 1/2 years later. This is some bullshit. I know I fucked up before but I was 18-19 and I clearly changed. I used to never go to class and do drugs and shit.

Shit sucks. I can only take 1 class at a time until my GPA raises.
Try Trump University. My buddy knows a guy that is killing it in the market. Making $$$$ and went there.
@applesbananas If you're in the AF, you should have easy access to take CLEP, DANTE, and other tests for college credits for free. Just pick a few of these exams, get a study book, and test out of them. I tested out of almost my entire undergrad degree.
Could be worse, you could be on double secret probation.
Isn't academic probation just don't fuck up again and you are out? Talk to the dean and they will probably let you take more than one class.
Well, at least it's not double secret probation....
Well, do well in a couple classes and get off of probation. If you got your shit together now, this will quickly work itself out methinks.
Is this the same school? Are you living with your mom now?
I can't imagine a different school putting you on probation 5 yrs later. Maybe go somewhere else?

If you can't afford to live in a different district, I guess you have to just suck it up for a couple semesters.