I hate the dude. For all he represents, and for becoming famous/rich for being all that is wrong in this world, amd making his horde of fanatics think what he does is "cool".
But I don't fault him for not fighting.
I mean, he broke bank with FLoyd.
There's no more money or upside to take risks to his brand right now.
He stays on the news, and his horde of braindead gullibles gobble it up every time he hints coming back.
To them, he is always "about to come back". Every time they salivate and are as happy as if he did come back.
So now that he shamefully forfeited both his belts, he will probably come back against the neophyte Floyd in MMA and/or the journeyman Nate.
Both winnable fights for the most money without the danger of being humiliated.
No. His nut huggers are more impressed with his money. They are NOT fight fans. And they don’t want to see him fight. Because being the front running goofs they are. They are 100% sure he gets his ass kicked by any high level contender at LW. And smoked by any decent WW.
He said himself that he beats on midgets. Well no shit Sherlock.
I’ve seen him fight enough. I won’t deny his skill for obvious reasons. I’m just not interested in his fights anymore. I used to be. Hungry Conor was great.
yup. I think people forget he took on contender after contender to get his shot at Aldo, including a late replacement in Chad Mendes, Holloway, and finishing Poirier handily. (not to mention Alvarez at LW)Yes.
Good fighter, fan friendly style and until the last year or two took risky fights head-on. Lots of intriguing matchups for Conor at LW now which we probably won't ever see and that's a damned shame.
none at all.Not that, ladies and gentleman, is what we call one triggered bitch!
Fake MMA fan.I hate the dude. For all he represents, and for becoming famous/rich for being all that is wrong in this world, amd making his horde of fanatics think what he does is "cool".
But I don't fault him for not fighting.
I mean, he broke bank with FLoyd.
There's no more money or upside to take risks to his brand right now.
He stays on the news, and his horde of braindead gullibles gobble it up every time he hints coming back.
To them, he is always "about to come back". Every time they salivate and are as happy as if he did come back.
So now that he shamefully forfeited both his belts, he will probably come back against the neophyte Floyd in MMA and/or the journeyman Nate.
Both winnable fights for the most money without the danger of being humiliated.
yes, they are.Fake MMA fan.
Or is it that you don't want to be interested because of the financial implications. Don't get me wrong I HATE the whoremongering that is taking place with current day MMA. Compare it to other major sports and it's a fucking laughing stock. But compare it to other MMA orgs and UFC is still in a strong position as far as sports-style rankings/match making etc goes. And either way you want to slice it Conor is a top fighter with wins against Aldo, Mendes, Holloway, Alvarez, Diaz
Economics 101. Conor tasted a HUGE payday and probably won't return unless his demands are met...however with the potential upcoming lawsuits from fighters injured and the UFC for ruining a PPV card, we may see him sooner than later. Let's just hope the UFC is smart this time and uses a "law suit" advantage over Conor. Yeah, money buys lawyers, but Conor may simply be fucked and lose 1/2 is fortune.
I’m happy for what he’s doing as far as getting paid. Whatever it takes to get these gladiators more money I’m all for except for ridiculous inactivity, tying up divisions to fuck off in other weight classes and other combat sports. If he fought as regularly as he used to I wouldn’t have anything to bitch about. All the other shit outside of fighting I don’t really care too much about. I simply don’t get excited about a guy who freezes titles and divisions to grow his brand. Great fighter but I’m not interested anymore.
But everything you're talking about is aside from fighting. I don't give a shit how much money MacGregor makes. This thread is about how he would fare actually fighting. Your post is just some basic bitch whinign about hime Conor has hurt your feelings or something.
I’m not interested because he doesn’t fight anymore. As I said, if he was active Id probably be a fan. Are you retarded? I’m not trying to rude by any means it’s a serious question. If you are, that’s cool. Are you retarded?
Nahhhh def not mediocre...but can he sustain the pandemonium forever,can he survive against the likes of tony and khabib? This we must know.He’s a mediocre fighter who was given favorable matchups and had some luck at the right time. He’s the most overrated fighter of all time
This guy has a Fedor avatar. Tells you all you need to know about overrated.