A Level Athlete vs Bones

After seeing that first round NBA draft pick focus on MMA for two years straight only to lose to a 5'10 obese HW, I can't take any of this seriously anymore.

Now that isn't to say that there aren't talented fighters in the NBA, it's just that we have absolutely no idea who they might be until we actually see them in NBA.

I'm convinced there are likely random bench warmers that could fuck up Lebron in MMA with the same amount of training, simply because they have more innate fighting talent.

We've seen this proved time and time again with football players, there have been relatively mediocre football players that are far better at MMA than elite ones.

Heck, Dante Wilder was a mediocre football player, and that was the main focus of his athletic life. Surely no one thinks that a far superior football player like Big Baby is more naturally talented boxer than Wilder.
here is what happened to an A-level athlete

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Cain: 1 TD
Schaub: 1 TD
Werdum: 2 TD

That's the thing though, Browne is more like a born fighter that happened to play basketball. He is not in the same universe as the Royce guy that was a first round draft pick (which demands he be a freak athlete) but he is better at fighting. Browne actually rose through MMA incredibly fast, almost Ngannou level.

And interestingly enough he beat a high level NFL player that had more martial arts experience than he did when he was still very green.....so he's a perfect example actually.
That's the thing though, Browne is more like a born fighter that happened to play basketball. He is not in the same universe as the Royce guy that was a first round draft pick (which demands he be a freak athlete) but he is better at fighting. Browne actually rose through MMA incredibly fast, almost Ngannou level.

And interestingly enough he beat a high level NFL player that had more martial arts experience than he did when he was still very green.....so he's a perfect example actually.
Went back to the Cain fight out of curiosity and that wasn't even a TD, it was a KD and Browne got back up before he was knocked out.
Problem is the mental side. Basketball players are bitch made and act like it. Michael Jordan with killer mindset would be an incredible fighter.
lmao @ this low iq subhuman offering 0 facts nor logic.
Gymnasts aren't athletes because the main attribute is being short.
Sprinters aren't athletes because the main attribute is fast twitch muscle fiber distribution.
Powerlifters and Olympic lifters aren't athletes because the main attribute is central nervous system efficiency.
All of these thresholds are determined genetically and those that are at the top of each sport are genetically superior when it comes to these attributes.
No fucking shit a lot of 7 footers are in the NBA. It's a physical attribute which assists with the sport, like each sport has. Why aren't the other 83% of 7 footers in the NBA? Why don't they want to make tens of millions of dollars??
Also I love how the fact you use to prove that height determines whether you are in the NBA, is that a massive majority of seven footers in the USA aren't in the NBA. Fucking brilliant argument.
It's amazing how many people are delusional about their fighting ability.

Anybody who's actually sparred in a real gym will realize how badass even the worst guys that you see in televised fights are.
Jon would besmirch this putz and his entire team in the same night 1 v 1
Gymnasts aren't athletes because the main attribute is being short.
Sprinters aren't athletes because the main attribute is fast twitch muscle fiber distribution.
Powerlifters and Olympic lifters aren't athletes because the main attribute is central nervous system efficiency.
All of these thresholds are determined genetically and those that are at the top of each sport are genetically superior when it comes to these attributes.
No fucking shit a lot of 7 footers are in the NBA. It's a physical attribute which assists with the sport, like each sport has. Why aren't the other 83% of 7 footers in the NBA? Why don't they want to make tens of millions of dollars??
Also I love how the fact you use to prove that height determines whether you are in the NBA, is that a massive majority of seven footers in the USA aren't in the NBA. Fucking brilliant argument.

the context is MMA athleticism you goof

NBA's athleticism is not parallel to fighting. this is why this thread exists.

Swimming requires skills and athelticism, but the swimmers aren't saying they can beat MMA fighters BECAUSE they are athletic. it's so stupid.