A Leaked Democratic Response to Nunes Memo (But Not “the Memo”)

that had zero effect whatsoever...

Russia's economy still tanking badly
Russia still has the areas they annexed...


You think that the Russian economy tanking is proof that relieving further sanctions isn't a good thing for Russia? Is that an actual argument?

edit: also, how is the fact that Trump has done nothing to push Russia towards giving back portions of the Ukraine an argument in your favor?
See this is the problem when you trying to discuss something with someone who only sees things in black and white, you say this here is gray and they are like the fuck you talking about that's crazy black

There is no grey area. The Dems voted to shut down the government, and then voted to fund the government over the exact same proposals they voted "no" on.

The Dems wasted everyone's time and money, and it's not up for debate. Give it up.
how's their economy?

do they still hold foreign lands?

this is too easy

any GOP candidate would have looked at Russia more favorably than Obama, that's a retarded point. We need them to check the Muslim nations along the Turkish Wall, the right doesn't pander to the Islamic world

Like the other guy said, you said there wasn't anything they were doing to ease sanctions, you were dead ass wrong.
  • Carter Page was suspected as an agent of a foreign power before his role on the Trump campaign began.
  • The Steele dossier was not the only, or necessarily the most important, piece of evidence that led to the FISA warrant on Carter Page.
  • Steele is a retired British intelligence officer and one of the world's leading experts on Russian organized crime. Nothing in the Nunes report actually disputes any of the information in the Steele dossier.
  • Christopher Steele worked no differently when GPS was funded by the conservative Washington Free Beacon (during the Republican primary) than when it was funded by the Clinton campaign (during the general). There is no evidence in the Nunes report that the change in funding to GPS affected Steele at all.
  • The majority of the activity outlined in the Nunes memo took place before Rob Rosenstein was in office as Deputy Attorney General, so using the memo as a pretext to call for his resignation or firing is ridiculous.
Basically, the Nunes Memo is a nothing-burger... except it shows that House Republicans have now joined in a deliberate effort to mislead the American public by attempting to discredit aspects of the Russia investigation.

http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/TODAY/z_Creative/inline-headers/FINAL DRAFT -- Dear Colleague on Nunes Memo.pdf

Yeah, becuase the Washington Free Beacon attempted to use something that is seen as sketchy at best as the basis of obtaining a FISA warrant on the Republican Candidate for President, right? Dems can convince themselves of anything.
My problem with this response is that, unlike the Nunes memo, it does not take liberties with classified information. So because the Democrats want to follow good national security practices, we end up with something that just looks like an op-ed. I don't think it will be effective at swaying undecided people or preventing the cultists from repeating false claims. There isn't anything in there that we didn't already know.

It needed to be dense and factual, with information from the FISA warrant application. This is another example of why it is bad practice to write classified memos about classified information with the intent of releasing them to the public. It's better to redact and release the source, or to not do it at all. It's always bad to talk around national security information. But Nunes made that ship sail already, in his infinite recklessness, so this was the best option for a public statement.

Freaking lol
This is a decent response to the group of partisan right-wingers who say the Nunes memo discredits the Mueller investigation. However, it does not address many of the troubling claims raised by the Nunes memo. For example:

1. Did Deputy Director Andrew McCabe state that the Page warrant would not have been approved without the inclusion of the Steele dossier in the application?

2. Was the source of the funding for the Steele dossier noted in the warrant application? (the answer seems to be no)

3. What was Nellie Ohr's involvement in the creation of the Steele dossier?

Well, the original payer of the memo, a conservative blog connected to a pro Marco Rubio pac, would kind of blow the dossier as a democratic ploy out the window.
Yeah, becuase the Washington Free Beacon attempted to use something that is seen as sketchy at best as the basis of obtaining a FISA warrant on the Republican Candidate for President, right? Dems can convince themselves of anything.

The FISA surveillance on Page, by the time the dossier came around, had been renewed twice already. The dossier was used in a larger body of evidence, in part, on the latest FISA application at that point.
how's their economy?

do they still hold foreign lands?

this is too easy

any GOP candidate would have looked at Russia more favorably than Obama, that's a retarded point. We need them to check the Muslim nations along the Turkish Wall, the right doesn't pander to the Islamic world

No, you really are moving the goal posts on this one. You said if someone was conspiring with Russia they might do something about energy and sanctions. Then you were given information that we are trying to do something about sanctions but that the Executive branch is blocking Congress's attempt to do so. Which would indicate, per your statement, a conspiracy with Russia. Now, you're moving on to claiming that evidence of Executive action on the sanctions in Russia's favor isn't them "doing something about...sanctions"?

Then you claimed that any GOP candidate would have looked at Russia more favorably than Obama. But that's not what this is. This is the GOP Congress voting overwhelmingly to sanction Russia and the President is disregarding what the GOP party clearly wants to have happen. Not any GOP candidate would have disregarded the party on this matter. This administration is.

Congress has clearly attempted to punish Russia via sanctions, the Trump administration has opted not to execute those sanctions.
one would think that if the US was conspiring w/ Russia, you know they might actually do something about... the sanctions....
There is no grey area. The Dems voted to shut down the government, and then voted to fund the government over the exact same proposals they voted "no" on.

The Dems wasted everyone's time and money, and it's not up for debate. Give it up.
The R's have been holding that daca card for awhile , playing games even though everyone wants a solution , they helped make that bed
Well, the original payer of the memo, a conservative blog connected to a pro Marco Rubio pac, would kind of blow the dossier as a democratic ploy out the window.
I assume you mean the dossier (not the "memo")?

I'd like to see your source that the dossier was funded by a conservative blog. The best evidence we have is that it was 100% funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign.
The R's have been holding that daca card for awhile , playing games even though everyone wants a solution , they helped make that bed

No. They made their position clear. It would be a matter to discuss over the coming months. The Dems made their position clear. Give us what we want, or we shut the government down over it. Dems shut the government down over it. Perhaps it might've been noble and presented as something worth fighting for, if you know, they didn't fold in three fuckin' days and got nothing for their tantrum.

Dems responsibility. Deal with it.
The FISA surveillance on Page, by the time the dossier came around, had been renewed twice already. The dossier was used in a larger body of evidence, in part, on the latest FISA application at that point.

That isn't remotely true. The FBI had the Steele Dossier in July of 2016. It obtained it's first FISA warrant on Page in October of 2016.
Well, the original payer of the memo, a conservative blog connected to a pro Marco Rubio pac, would kind of blow the dossier as a democratic ploy out the window.

Again, you're eating ALL of the Democratic propaganda with zero reflection whatsoever. The Conservatives did initate it. They stopped it when he won the nomination and there was very little to it. Hillary picked it up and ran with it from there. To excuse the Democrats is beyond stupid.
No. They made their position clear. It would be a matter to discuss over the coming months. The Dems made their position clear. Give us what we want, or we shut the government down over it. Dems shut the government down over it. Perhaps it might've been noble and presented as something worth fighting for, if you know, they didn't fold in three fuckin' days and got nothing for their tantrum.

Dems responsibility. Deal with it.
Things are rarely black and white and yet that appears to be all that you see.
  • Carter Page was suspected as an agent of a foreign power before his role on the Trump campaign began.
  • The Steele dossier was not the only, or necessarily the most important, piece of evidence that led to the FISA warrant on Carter Page.
  • Steele is a retired British intelligence officer and one of the world's leading experts on Russian organized crime. Nothing in the Nunes report actually disputes any of the information in the Steele dossier.
  • Christopher Steele worked no differently when GPS was funded by the conservative Washington Free Beacon (during the Republican primary) than when it was funded by the Clinton campaign (during the general). There is no evidence in the Nunes report that the change in funding to GPS affected Steele at all.
  • The majority of the activity outlined in the Nunes memo took place before Rob Rosenstein was in office as Deputy Attorney General, so using the memo as a pretext to call for his resignation or firing is ridiculous.
Basically, the Nunes Memo is a nothing-burger... except it shows that House Republicans have now joined in a deliberate effort to mislead the American public by attempting to discredit aspects of the Russia investigation.

http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/TODAY/z_Creative/inline-headers/FINAL DRAFT -- Dear Colleague on Nunes Memo.pdf

Everything I read said. Steele was hired on after dems took over funding.. Not while being funded by republicans??

Being on the radar is not the same thing as being tapped by the government.. can everyone agree on that?

Why is it okay to receive information from a British Citizen and not a Russian citizen?
Yeah, becuase the Washington Free Beacon attempted to use something that is seen as sketchy at best as the basis of obtaining a FISA warrant on the Republican Candidate for President, right? Dems can convince themselves of anything.
I'm not sure if you are one of those Trumpets that just doesn't care about facts, but what you are saying is incorrect, and easily disproven by informaiton in the Nunes memo itself:

The FISA order on Page was issued Oct. 21, 2016. That timing proves that the Page warrant didn’t authorize any surveillance of the Trump campaign — because Page and the Trump campaign had parted ways before the warrant was issued [...] Although the FBI had been interested in Page for some time, it was not until after the relationship between Page and the Trump campaign ended that the bureau got the FISA warrant.


Being on the radar is not the same thing as being tapped by the government.. can everyone agree on that?

Either way, this point is irrelevant in terms of the Trump investigation because Page was not tapped until after he left the Trump campaign. See above.
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Things are rarely black and white and yet that appears to be all that you see.

Your deflections are quite weak.

Tell me, genius, why did the Dems cave over an issue they thought was important enough to shut the government over, a mere three days earlier?

If your response is anything but "Because they foolishly thought Trump would be blamed, and when the public laid the blame at their feet, they had no choice but to fold to stop the PR damage being done to their party, and the perception that they were responsible for the shutdown", you're lying to yourself.
I'd be more inclined to think the WH leaked the memo to test the public response to the leaked portions. If there is a positive response then maybe we will see some redaction before the WH releases it. If there is a neutral or negative response then release it as is. Trump is known for leaking details early to gauge the public perception.