Id argue left judges vote for the constitution and right judges vote right. See how that works without evidence. Also whats with the liberal blah blah blah. Why do you care about labels so much. Whats a liberal ideology? Whats a conservative? I mean none of this means anything. People have beliefs, labeling them is naive. If I believe I should be able to carry a gun openly at all times without hassle does that make me a conservative? I dont think so, it makes me a person who would rather not get car jacked when I visit home (Chicago). If I believe there should exist in the US enough equity that everyone is cared for in a manner that is humane does that make me liberal? No it makes me not an asshole. The constitution absolutely should be changed it does me no good in its current form honestly. It was written at a time when more than 50% of the population were considered lower than animals and the internet didnt exist. Lets re-evaluate who we are as humans and begin to write a new constitution built from that perspective.