A Confusion of Crucifixes


Brown Belt
Mar 29, 2004
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I wrote an article for the Gracie Barra Tampa website entitled "A Confusion of Crucifixes" that I'm posting here in its entirety, since I see this issue come up whenever the crucifix is mentioned. I'm trying to prevent it from happening in this discussion.


A Confusion of Crucifixes

With the addition of the Crucifix Series to the site
I've seen too many people on this forum alone get confused by this for it to just slide off into oblivion.
Thanks, great to have this cleared up at last. I
From what I've found, if you roll to the traditional crucifix no-gi, most of your options are neck cranks. In his book, Royler shows just grabbing their head with both hands and yanking it, which seems a little inefficient, but okay. To do this, he also traps the arm under his "outside" armpit.

Because I'm partial to the reverse omoplata, I play the crucifix from on my knees, which works both gi and no-gi. I've also figured out how to setup the reverse omoplata from the traditional crucifix too (though I'm still ironing out the details), so that's another no-gi option.

One of the guys in the Global Jiu-Jitsu seminar DVD by Green Whale Productions shows a couple armlocks and chokes from the crucifix where you're on your knees and have pulled their far arm into your armpit. It's a nasty looking position, but I have yet to make much use of it.
The crucifix and the cow catcher, now there is some real backyard bbq wrestling. Why do most bjj tourneys ban the cow catcher, because it is so damn humiliating to get hit with it?
That, and cervical locks are illegal in tournament BJJ.
Aesopian said:
That, and cervical locks are illegal in tournament BJJ.

Thanks, I was guessing the cervical lock was the reason but wasn't sure.
Does a wrestling half nelson also fall under this rule?
Probably. I don't know for sure, but I don't think they like any nelsons unless neck cranks are allowed.
RuleOfSteel2 said:
Thanks, I was guessing the cervical lock was the reason but wasn't sure.
Does a wrestling half nelson also fall under this rule?

I think it depends on whether you can roll out of it or not. Basically the only reason to resist a half-Nelson is if exposing your back to the mat is a no-no. If you had a leg grapevined or were trying to do a neck crank from the backmount with your hooks in, I guess it would be illegal. As a way to turn the opponent over from the side-ride or something - I
since you can use both arms on one of his arms when you have the crucifx, even in no-gi it seems you could do armlocks or wristlocks, but it's just a guess.

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