I hear you, but how are they even remotely similar? Is it in terms of... Body count? Stated goals? The religious imperative to use terror as a political tool? Their skeetmare goal for an eventual Global Evangelical Caliphate? The number of Buddhist monuments that the pulled pork mujahideen of the usa have blown up? The amount of people they hung in soccer pitches? Wizard beards? Wait a second, are you talking about Pentecostal (I think theyre Pentecostal) dudes?
Don't get me wrong, my idiot retard fuckface brother-in-law jumped factions and I had sit in on one of their masses. It was like the spiritual version of a PPC meeting...They talked a lot about raising money and propped up the discussion with the Word in a way that sounded suspiciously close to "prosperity gospel."
Then they' had this weird self-flagellating "testimonial" sesh where people would air their dirty shit, start crying and screaming and "speaking in tongues" (my own bitchborn aimọgbọnwa brother-in-law thinks he can actually speak-in-tongues. His skinny omugo bushman ass can barely speak English.) The Pastor or whatever then started slapping his palms on peoples foreheads like some blackass Baron Von Raschke and they'd drop to the floor, semi-conscious from the godly power of the Pastors SpiritPunch...I immediately noticed they'd in a way that always ensured they were caught by two others who were always hovering close. Made even
my Catholic ass say: "You fuckers are
Even still, I'd say your statement is a reach. They didn't Handmaidens Tale the whole country to pass the fuckshit you don't like. They used the courts and lobbied the right people and sold it on their mediasphere and pissed off and scared the shit of each other comparing you to Jimmy Carter, or whatever they hate, in much same way you did to pass the fuckshit they didn't like. Both parties are literally using apocalyptic language to define the other. It's almost reassuring. But I might be wrong, I'm Canadian.
What I AM sure of is that you have nothing to worry about from the Catholics. The leadership has been shot for a long time, Bishop Romero thing was greazy, the residential schools were horrific, and

philes have disgraced and discredited us. The Apostolic Succession has been corrupted perhaps even beyond repair. I can't even go to my own parish of of four decades because of the rot and the shame. My parishioners did the march in Selma when church council in a historic vote decided to move the statute of Joseph a foot towards the altar...but the open secret about our priest hitting on 19 year boy booty never spurred them to action.
You have nothing to worry about, the Catholics have been beaten into living death. Better watch out for those Pentecostals when you try to take em' to the gulags, tho. Some of them have a mean SpiritPunch.