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61 year old Mel Gibson shows off his beautiful 27 year old girlfriend

If that was a girl you were about to date and one of your buddies let you listen to those tapes you'd be like, "hellllll no, that bitch be crazyyyyyy."

nah i would be like "But what her booty look like doe?"
Women are fucking irrational/illogical.

I dated chicks that when conversation would get to Chris Brown, they would say how hot he is and they'd love to - I would remind them he beat the shit out of Rihanna's face does that not put you off him?

'Meh......... he's hot'

They're fickle creatures

Yeah chicks are dumb man lol
Why not a hot 35 year old Mel? There is something creepy about a rich guy dating a chick less than half his age.

Especially when they're younger than your daughter. I mean, I get it, but I wouldn't be able to convince myself that they're with me for anything other than money.
What a bloke. Total respect to him.
Spending his money for him and fucking guys her own age on the down low no doubt.
Aussie men are tough and manly so its no surprise an american lass feels compelled to date a bloke like mel.
yeah, he said he was against embryonic stem cells and still is as well as abortion. He had to really convince his father to take it, I heard it from Dan Blizarian, he hung out with Mel Gibson in Pananma during some stem cell therapy conference and Mel told him about it.

Talk about a douche bag convention.

here is the facebook post

Getting stem cell infusions at The Stem Cell Institute in Panama. Mel Gibson's 99 year old father was being pushed into the stem cell clinic by a nurse in a wheelchair and a month later he put the nurse in the wheelchair and pushed her around. It can cure autism, knee/shoulder/spinal injuries, and multiple sclerosis. Sucks that these puss bags in the US are taking forever to approve it... — at The Stem Cell Institute.

Stop getting your science education from Joe Rogan podcasts. Viacyte and Blue Rock have spent/raised about $1B just between the two and are virtually at square one, but some guys in Panama and Vegas have figured it all out. This is the biggest load of horse shit since snake oil salesman.


It really scares me that disturbingly large portion of people will refute conspiracies like the Clinton take over of the DEMs, even with the DNC chair's own words and 100s of thousands wikileaks docs but will totally accept a science education from Dan Bilzarian and Joe Rogan.
Fuck the haters, Mel Gibson will always be the man.

Anyway, Hollywood is proving itself to be far more corrupt and sick than we even thought possible.

Fuck those hypocrites trying to tell the nation how we all should be behaving. At least Mel was just drunken rants, like who hasn't done that.

While the rest of Hollywood is out there groping, assaulting and raping young actresses and kids, then using their power to shut everyone up.

Fuck off left coast
What didn't you get. Mel Gibson is an old insane racist alcoholic drunk shit bag. He's fucking nuts and the general public got to hear all his insane recordings that he made to his ex wife.

I suggest listening to Howard stern and when he listened to the tapes on his show. Hysterical.

So I find it very hard to believe that a woman this young would consider dating someone this mentally insane.

These hoes only want doe. As for those tapes, this ex of his took him to the cleaners and drove him to that. She had done it before to Timothy Dalton as well. As for his racist anti Semitic rant while drunk....he works in an industry run by Jews and isn’t the only one with anger. Hell, half of Sherdog is anti Semitic. Not saying it’s ok but most of the world is.

Mark looks like a child. Mel looks like he could squash his head like a grape.

Mel is a thick dude at 5 foot 10, has that lumberjack build, marky mark is only 5 foot 7, the thing im more shocked ar is will ferrell and john lithgow they make wwe champion john cena look small
well, all the real abusers are falling down like flies, The Gibson cannot be denied, hope you picked a better one than that last russian hoe that tried to screw with you last time