Yeah, it's the way to go for anyone with $100k to spend on it.
a 35 yr old does just fine.I hope I can get a 20 yr. old when I'm in my 60s.
His father was very ill and couldn't walk well and had to be pushed with a wheeel chair then Mel took his dad to Costa Rica and got him adult stem cell treatment, and now he is able to walk and at 93 years old and not use a wheelchair.
This one?
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So one would do itMel Gibson is still the man, even as a fat bearded antisemite. And he's probably forgotten more supermodels he's raw dogged than all of us on the board combined.
He actually uses fresh breast milk.He was balding 12 years ago, and then starting using adult stem cell treatment and grew his hair back, he swears by it
Name? Pics?She looks soft!
Nah, mine was a curvy, but tight bodied, Maxim and Playboy model. I'm proud of that one.
Name? Pics?
I'm not finding ant credible sources stating that it happened (National Enquirer was on the first page of results...) but if so, that's crazy. Gibson actually spoke out against stem cell research like 15 years ago.
He's too damn charming and charismatic to stay mad atPeople have short memories. I've always like the dude though, I like honest people
LOL @ the last picture on that site.
Marky mark shielding his girls from Mel
Women are the dumbest fucking creatures on earth
Who would date this racist drunk shit bag? Oh a woman would
Mark looks like a child. Mel looks like he could squash his head like a grape.