5 Violently Debunked Martial Arts Myths

I remember when Cracked was a comic book.
I wouldn't call that martial arts myths, as if they were commonly accepted. Even aïkido guys don't believe the things that are listed here.
You can stop guys with invisible energy.


Lutter was also the Michael Jordan of invisible energy KOs.

Seanbaby is fucking hilarious, anybody know if he posts here?
You can stop guys with invisible energy.


Lutter was also the Michael Jordan of invisible energy KOs.
lol that will always look fishy to me

I mean I do believe he was knocked out, obviously, but how??

Unless his brain is in the tip of his nose
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Seanbaby is fucking hilarious, anybody know if he posts here?
Yeah man he’s awesome. I miss the days where he did these more consistently

I’ve never seen evidence of him posting here, but it’d be great if he did
lol that will always look fishy to me

I mean I do believe he was knocked out, obviously, but how??

Unless his brain is in the top of his nose

I agree. WTF. Invisible energy is the best explanation. There is no head movement to cause the brain to shake.
You are living under a rock in the MMA bubble, check out @mcdojolife on instagram to see how much kung fu stuff there is out there and that’s just on video.
I wouldn't call that martial arts myths, as if they were commonly accepted. Even aïkido guys don't believe the things that are listed here.
New Seanbaby mma article.

Mods- this does include UFC discussion and is a great reminder of how lucky we are to have the UFC as an antidote to these hilarious fake martial arts. Move it if you must...


In before "but if it was a streetfight bro"

Edit: Ok I expected some ninjitsu and shit so we shouldn't get any ninjitsu masters standing up for their discipline in here but omg this was hilarious.

Edit:This guys funny but only one of them got their asses kicked so the "violently debunked" title is crap.Also he didn't even show George Dillman hitting that reporter lady in the face.So it went from funny to disappointing.
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They were the Burger King to Mad magazine's McDonald's.

Does Cracked even print the magazine anymore, or is it just a website full of unreadable articles now?
Does a silent but deadly fart count as "invisible energy"? if so, I got that power on lock.
Does Cracked even print the magazine anymore, or is it just a website full of unreadable articles now?

I dunno man but I do agree that the site has kinda gone to shit.

Leaning left that far and being funny are mutually exclusive
Does Cracked even print the magazine anymore, or is it just a website full of unreadable articles now?

There's still some funny content on the website, but nowadays 90% of the articles are political or just SJW soapbox crap.

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