Jake Paul finishes this version of Nick Diaz


Purple Belt
Sep 13, 2019
Reaction score
Sad to think but its the truth.
Some legends really should know when to hang them.
Edit: In boxing*
CM pUnk finishes this version of Nick Diaz?
Can Jake Paul only fight older washed up MMA guys in boxing matches?
Sad to think but its the truth.
Some legends really should know when to hang them.
Edit: In boxing*

yeah exactly. its why mma needs to be conducted like a sport not entertainment. jake is pro wrestling bullshit its not sport. obvious why he would call out nick or nate. Young guys have to earn their fights with the big names. even if you are popular you should have to earn it. jake paul has wins over tyron and askren. does not deserve that shit and the fights should not have been made. I know someone who would ko current day jens pulver flat. he only has 40lbs on him so its fair. fuck jake paul. exploitive marketing and strategy, takes advantage milks a young mentally challenged following . at least he gets guys paid but at the end of the day fighting isn't for show or play. it needs to be conducted like a sport. there are serious consequences. the diaz bros will get paid fighting jake but why do that- why boost jakes ego when hes just giving brain damage to way past their prime older guys showing zero respect for the game while parading around like hes some kind of combat sports savior whos fighting the good fight.

i'm all for watching two young willing evenly matched guys go at it. i am not for watching this current model of bullshit fixed fights. yes it is fixed in a sense. when you follow no division, do not take the path of the sport, make your own rules and call out older smaller fighters who dont even box you are not in the sport of boxing you are an entertainer taking advantage of under paid older athletes from a different sport.

it is very simple to understand this yet people keep buying these damn stupid fights. Ufc just sold their own version of holyfield belfort yet you all eat it up like candy. ignoring what nick said in the lead up about his mental health and having no choice but to come back. this sport has the dumbest following its why dana white has so much control over the fan base, fans of this sport could use social media push the sport in the right direction yet its dana dictating manipulating and controlling the masses of idiots