37 fights since new gloves. Only 5 KOs/ TKOs

37 fights have taken place since new gloves were introduced.
Only 5 KOs/ TKOs have happened (not counting Perez knee injury).

I think it's more to do with the quality of the cards post UFC 300. They stacked that card so massively and the best they have been able to do since is Islam vs Poirer.
This card was full of bird-boned midgets, so it was expected.

Most of them have plenty of KOs, but with these new gloves they couldn't even hurt each other.
37 fights have taken place since new gloves were introduced.
Only 5 KOs/ TKOs have happened (not counting Perez knee injury).

Let's check back in at 100 fights.

If suddenly guys like Poatan or HW's are struggling to finish people then we might have a problem.
If boxing can have knockouts in 8oz gloves there’s no reason to slim down the gloves from 4oz.

Maybe for easier grappling but there have always been submissions of every card.

Plus they look like ass.

I dont think the ouncage of the gloves is as indicative as people think and I've always thought fans, boxers, fighters etc are idiots in this regard.

1. They've done tests on punching force relative to 8oz/10oz boxing gloves and 4oz gloves, the two tests I've seen, one indicated no significant difference and the other indicated boxing gloves hit a bit harder due to more mass at the end of the fist generating additional force.

2. So if an MMA glove is 4oz and a boxing glove is 8oz, do you think that means a boxing glove has TWICE the padding ON THE KNUCKLES where you actually use the fucking fist to strike with? Of course not...it's more so the giant part of the glove that covers the palm, the fingers, the thumb especially and of course it goes further up the wrist and forearm where it laces....that's where most of the additional weight is, not so much over the striking part of the hand.

3. Just personally, have worn and competed in both, I always found myself more secure in punching hard with boxing gloves and like I punch harder/better. I also always found MMA gloves kinda stiff on the hands.
To make matters worse I believe some of those TKOs were early ref stoppages, the ref freaked out way too quickly.

No one has really had any pop on their punches since the new gloves have come, most of the damage and cuts have come from elbows and knees.
Bring back the old gloves, because these fuckin things haven't thwarted a single eye poke.
Also it seems like almost nobody can generate power with them...even fighters that normally have pop.

These gloves remind me of the recent upgrade of this site.
Seemed like a good idea at the time, but as hindsight goes...it wasn't.
Just bring back the pride gloves. I dont remember many eye pokes in pride. And mahfuggas had pop in those things
I feel like TS or someone else started a threat like this shortly after the new gloves were introduced, lol

I know you think you’re doing science here. But you’re not lol.
I dont think the ouncage of the gloves is as indicative as people think and I've always thought fans, boxers, fighters etc are idiots in this regard.

1. They've done tests on punching force relative to 8oz/10oz boxing gloves and 4oz gloves, the two tests I've seen, one indicated no significant difference and the other indicated boxing gloves hit a bit harder due to more mass at the end of the fist generating additional force.

2. So if an MMA glove is 4oz and a boxing glove is 8oz, do you think that means a boxing glove has TWICE the padding ON THE KNUCKLES where you actually use the fucking fist to strike with? Of course not...it's more so the giant part of the glove that covers the palm, the fingers, the thumb especially and of course it goes further up the wrist and forearm where it laces....that's where most of the additional weight is, not so much over the striking part of the hand.

3. Just personally, have worn and competed in both, I always found myself more secure in punching hard with boxing gloves and like I punch harder/better. I also always found MMA gloves kinda stiff on the hands.

Here we go again.

I would be interested in seeing these particular studies - it's been a while since I bothered to debunk this last time - because it is completely nonsensical on its face and the opposite of the few studies I have seen.

Stupid research designs do exist, so I can't rule out someone publishing something that defies basic physics and logic.

Point 3 is where things get nicely counter-intuitive - the hand protection enables more confidence with each strike, leading to harder punches overall. That's the part where boxing gloves leading to more KOs over bareknuckle becomes relevant. It's a good point.

But the idea that PADDING literally makes you punch harder. Respectfully, listen to yourself and read the credible studies.
I don't pay attention to this so can someone summarise for me - what has changed and why does this change seem to be affecting KOs?
I think it's more to do with the quality of the cards post UFC 300. They stacked that card so massively and the best they have been able to do since is Islam vs Poirer.

Wait, so fighters not on a quality card won't win by KO?