33 and still going strong at getting ID'd


Good Times
Jun 13, 2015
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Bought two Grolsh beers and they had to look at my license

You still get Id;d?

Makes my wife jealous :p
I only get ID'd when i have a clean shaven face. With a goatee and long hair I look a little older and more white trash.

Girlfriend is 28 this month and gets ID'd for cigarettes still.
Bought two Grolsh beers and they had to look at my license

You still get Id;d?

Makes my wife jealous :p

I only get ID'd when i have a clean shaven face. With a goatee and long hair I look a little older and more white trash.

Girlfriend is 28 this month and gets ID'd for cigarettes still.

Pics of wife and gf or adonbilivit.
people think I'm like 20 even though I have a huge spartan beard
The law states to ID anyone under 40 for cigs and most places ID for alcohol Incase you have restrictions
I read the title as "33 and still going strong at getting the D"...
27 and proud to be ID'd too. The shocked expression on their face when they see my age makes me smile all day.

No facial hair, I assume? Cuz my beard is 4-5 inches long right now and no one questions that I’m a homeless middle aged man
Don't you people make your own hooch in the woods or something anyway? why buy it?

No, they drink all of the maple syrup before it has time to ferment.
I get carded for booze maybe 30 percent of the time and I'm 39 years old.

I was buying cigarettes for my wife last week and got carded, which means the guy wasn't sure if I was 18 LOL.

I'm enjoying it. Hopefully I'll continue to look younger than my age. Most guys age slowly. It's the women that fall off a cliff and just look old overnight. Especially Asian and white women. Hispanic and black women get fat overnight.
Got carded 6 months ago for beer at 40.

I have a bigger Peter Pan complex than Jared Leto.
Our store policy was to ID everyone regardless of age. People always took it as a compliment.
I don't smoke or drink :(
I get carded every time and I look like if Randy Couture were covered in tattoos. I look like a bag of rusty nails and I’m 36 and always get carded.

Nobody thinks you’re under 21 they’re just required to card everyone. You dumb dildos.
Bought two Grolsh beers and they had to look at my license

You still get Id;d?

Makes my wife jealous :p
I believe you. This guy is 68 yrs old:


And they say there's no upside to a pregnant alcoholic.
Bought two Grolsh beers and they had to look at my license

You still get Id;d?

Makes my wife jealous :p

I get carded at the LCBO and at bars too. I am 33 as well, turning 34 on the upcoming Friday the 13th in July. My girlfriend is 34 already going to be 35 in August.

Anyways I will share a secret. After dinner each evening I have a bowl of fruits and veggies. Usually something like a handful of grapes, some strawberries or blueberries, 10 slices of cucumber, 1 piece of celery stalk and maybe an orange. So yeah I am big on fruits and veggies. Eat up they will keep you looking young and feeling vibrant.

I started drinking around 4 litres of water a day when I turned 31. I don't really have any wrinkles at all. Now if I have a large cup of green tea or chammomile tea then I count that as water intake as well. My skin is very smooth overall.