It looks like shit but I watched Unfriended last night and I thought that was decent. Split reviews for this movie? Hells yeah. Kinda stoked.
Okay, so I've seen it. And. . . I give it a 7/10.

First, the positive.

The concept itself is sound and there are some really good performances. Ed Oxenbould as the little brother is very natural on camera and provides us with some humorous moments, while Olivia DeJonge as the sister gives the film its heart and comes across as very genuine. Peter McRobbie as Pop Pop also does a perfectly good job and Deanna Dunagan as Nana really knocks it out of the park.

Also on the positive side, while the film is not really terrifying (and to go into it expecting it to be so is a mistake), it has some genuinely suspenseful moments. And once it really got going, I was fully engaged.

Now the negative.

Like I said, once it really got going I was engaged. But it takes a while for it to get going, and during that initial period I have to admit I was kind of bored. There's a good amount of "ramping up" with this film.

Also, there's little rewatchability here. Once you've seen it, you've seen it. To be fair, this is partially due to the found footage format. The film, by its very nature, has relatively plain cinematography and only a basic sound design. So it's not the kind of thing you're going to go back to and rewatch just to re-experience its artistic elements.

All in all, I liked it but I didn't love it. It's good to see Shyamalan getting some buzz and coming out with something that's interesting and that's not getting panned from top to bottom. It's a good step back toward relevance. But he still has a little ways to go before he's back to operating on the level he was at during the first stage of his career.

sound review from a poster whos opinion on movies i respect. my kid wants to see it more than anything right now. based on this review, its sounds about like what i would expect. good post. definitely better than, "m.night sucks and everything he'll ever do will suck too".
sound review from a poster whos opinion on movies i respect. my kid wants to see it more than anything right now. based on this review, its sounds about like what i would expect. good post. definitely better than, "m.night sucks and everything he'll ever do will suck too".

Some of M. Night's earlier films are among my favorite films. In fact, the much-maligned "The Village" is probably my favorite film of his. I like The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable and especially Signs, but to me The Village is the best.

But with that said, yeah man, The Visit is a solid film. Just go into it with the proper expectations. It's found footage, it's kind of slow at first, and it's not the movie that's going to make people go "Oh shit, M. Night Is BACK!!!!!111!"

As long as you can understand all that, you should enjoy it.
Saw it tonight.

It's a PG-13 family-friendly found-footage horror movie, which when you really think about it, probably isn't a good idea. The whole unique appeal of the found-footage genre, is that things are more real, flat, and therefore bleak, and scary. Not much of that works in this movie, because you always have the sense that everything is going to be okay. The overall effect of that is that instead of feeling like you're watching a contender to other films in the genre like Blair Witch, or REC or Quarantine, it's more like an edgy Nickelodeon TV movie.

The acting is very good, M. Night still has a strange knack for finding really good unknown child actors, and getting great performances out of them. However, he does some tacky stuff with the dialogue that did not work for me, lots of pop culture references that seemed like an attempt to be in touch with 'the youth'. He also forces some character arc stuff, where each person has a demon that later gets resolved; this is fine for his regular movies, but it doesn't work in a real time/found footage genre - they are supposed to be slice-of-life, a short situation playing out, not everything about each person's personal problems getting wrapped up in a neat bow.

It wasn't a bad movie, it was well-shot, the idea was good; the pace of it I liked, the buildup was working. The problem is, the payoff was not great, there are no real peaks in this movie. It simply was not scary enough at any point, though it almost seemed like it was about to be several times, nothing really got going or went anywhere of note horror-wise. Even for what the ending was, the film fumbles through it a bit, it was not a very satisfying conclusion to me.

Overall it was okay, but not really good, certainly not great. I enjoyed watching it in parts, but I never need to see it again, and ultimately it failed in what it was trying to do. Still probably better than The Happening or Lady In The Water, but nowhere near the level of his old shit. Son, I M. Disappoint. 6/10
Saw it tonight and thought it was good. Solid 7/10. The twist wasn't groundbreaking but it was definitely good. I'm still thinking about it. F'd up movie for sure haha but it was good I recommend.
Saw it tonight.

It's a PG-13 family-friendly found-footage horror movie, which when you really think about it, probably isn't a good idea. The whole unique appeal of the found-footage genre, is that things are more real, flat, and therefore bleak, and scary. Not much of that works in this movie, because you always have the sense that everything is going to be okay. The overall effect of that is that instead of feeling like you're watching a contender to other films in the genre like Blair Witch, or REC or Quarantine, it's more like an edgy Nickelodeon TV movie.

The acting is very good, M. Night still has a strange knack for finding really good unknown child actors, and getting great performances out of them. However, he does some tacky stuff with the dialogue that did not work for me, lots of pop culture references that seemed like an attempt to be in touch with 'the youth'. He also forces some character arc stuff, where each person has a demon that later gets resolved; this is fine for his regular movies, but it doesn't work in a real time/found footage genre - they are supposed to be slice-of-life, a short situation playing out, not everything about each person's personal problems getting wrapped up in a neat bow.

It wasn't a bad movie, it was well-shot, the idea was good; the pace of it I liked, the buildup was working. The problem is, the payoff was not great, there are no real peaks in this movie. It simply was not scary enough at any point, though it almost seemed like it was about to be several times, nothing really got going or went anywhere of note horror-wise. Even for what the ending was, the film fumbles through it a bit, it was not a very satisfying conclusion to me.

Overall it was okay, but not really good, certainly not great. I enjoyed watching it in parts, but I never need to see it again, and ultimately it failed in what it was trying to do. Still probably better than The Happening or Lady In The Water, but nowhere near the level of his old shit. Son, I M. Disappoint. 6/10

Man, some of you nerds really like to be snobs and ruin a movie experience. I'm not in the entertainment industry so when I watch a movie just want to enjoy it (or not). All this over analyzing character arcs, etc...I would not want to go enjoy a casual movie night with somebody like that.

Wife and I watched it. Was a fun date night. Scary at points, funny at points, awkward at points. Walked out of it with wife having had a good time.
Man, some of you nerds really like to be snobs and ruin a movie experience. I'm not in the entertainment industry so when I watch a movie just want to enjoy it (or not). All this over analyzing character arcs, etc...I would not want to go enjoy a casual movie night with somebody like that.

Wife and I watched it. Was a fun date night. Scary at points, funny at points, awkward at points. Walked out of it with wife having had a good time.

I never said dummies with low standards wouldn't enjoy it.
I never said dummies with low standards wouldn't enjoy it.

Peter I really disappointed in you. Normally I think your posts and comments are thoughtful and not petulant. Does a snobby b**ch enjoy his steak any more than a regular joe? Biggest irony of this situation is pretending to be an online "expert".
Peter I really disappointed in you. Normally I think your posts and comments are thoughtful and not petulant. Does a snobby b**ch enjoy his steak any more than a regular joe? Biggest irony of this situation is pretending to be an online "expert".


Crybaby calls people nerds & snobs he wouldn't want to go to the movies with, can't handle being called a dummy in response

News at 11

This movie actually caught my eye, who knows maybe it will be a decent flick, just as long as everyone isn't actually dead at the end or the devil
Well I got to see it late last night, and I can say that I enjoyed it. I've probably enjoyed every Shymalan movie I've seen to be honest-- when he's on you get Unbreakable, The Sixth Sense, and Signs. When he's not, you get some amazing shit like The Happening and After Earff.

The Visit easily ranks among of the genuinely good movies he's made. I feel like he could have made a really scary movie out of this sort of idea, but instead the film goes back and forth between scares and laughs. It does work in the way it was intended to, but it did feel like the scares hurt a bit as a result.

But really, I can't not laugh about some creepy old man shoving a shitty adult diaper into some germaphobe kid's face and then listening to the kid freestyle rapping about it later.

I'd give it a 7, maybe 8 out of 10. I'm wondering if it's just me going easy on M. Night that I liked the film so much, but the fact that this didn't turn out to be another unintentionally hilarious train wreck has got to stand for something. Also, for once I felt like he threw his pretentiousness out the window and was willing to make fun of himself through a lot of the dialogue (making the female kid an aspiring filmmaker complete with holding obsessions over composition and mood... amusing stuff).

I just watched the preview for that and thought it looked interesting. I hope it's not as dull as you make it out to be.

The previews for Goodnight Mommy are incredibly misleading. It's not an outright bad movie (well shot, well acted), just a painfully mediocre one that thinks it's smarter and more original than it actually is.

It's the truth. Not one has been good. Not even the Sixth Sense. The twist was good, the rest of the movie was boring as fuck and nothing happens except the kid walks around seeing dead people that do nothing.
It's the truth. Not one has been good. Not even the Sixth Sense. The twist was good, the rest of the movie was boring as fuck and nothing happens except the kid walks around seeing dead people that do nothing.

It's the truth. Not one has been good. Not even the Sixth Sense. The twist was good, the rest of the movie was boring as fuck and nothing happens except the kid walks around seeing dead people that do nothing.

The Village is one of my favorite movies of all time. Interesting concept, great performances, absolutely beautiful cinematography by Roger Deakins, good sound design, nice love story between Phoenix and Howard's characters, an interesting philosophical treatise on the nature of innocence. . . Excellent movie.

I also liked Signs quite a bit.
I've probably enjoyed every Shymalan movie I've seen to be honest.

Me too. I definitely regard his first four movies as being in a class of their own, but even with The Happening, Lady in the Water and The Last Airbender I didn't walk away just hating them.

But really, I can't not laugh about some creepy old man shoving a shitty adult diaper into some germaphobe kid's face and then listening to the kid freestyle rapping about it later.

LOL, that was fucked up.