290 to 260

Sorry if what I said was offensive, Its clear that you want to drop the weight but You need to put all this time and energy into a real diet plan.
No problem, critique is a privilege in its own right.

Gave my laptop to coach... Dark times are upon me.

Day 144: 271.9lbs
Calories: 2363, all whole foods. I couldn't sleep almost at all so I overrate last night.
Training: active day, wrestling/bj - 1.5 hours.swimming 40 minutes.
Day 145: 270.5 lbs. 7/10
Training: walking ~2.5 hours. Light weights - 30 minutes.
Diet:1417 cals. too many teas and coffees. Need to just switch to tea with one sugar from now on.
Lots of blending spinach yogurt and fruit. Around 3 liters of liquid.
Went to a bar and ate just a salad. Smug as he'll about it.
day 146: 270.8lbs, I think I leaned out a little bit since last sat.

I did sleep little again, so had a large breakfast of fat free yogurt and salad - ~450 calories.

Living without the laptop is surprisingly easy so far. I thought I will go mad without playing a game, but all is good. Happens to me once or twice per year - just have to play some video games or get edgy as hell.

And just in general, my quality of life is improving - I have read/listened to almost 4 books since Saturday: applied to lots of jobs, been to some interviews.

Training: 2 hours walking. 5 hours reading in library if that counts. 1 hour light weights.

Calories: A bit higher today at ~1800.
This is second day that I can't sleep , at all.
I didn't figure out what the problem is, but I am eating around maintenance till Monday.
Feels weird, like I am lightly fried but still functional.

I cut out all coffee, except small this morning.

Funny thing is I have 2 friends reporting exactly same problems and same "fried" feeling.
I think the moon is responsible. I had always problems with falling asleep around full moon, I felt weirdly energized by it.

Today the moon is at highest proximity to earth this year, might be that's why. Sleep problems started around Monday and caused problems with diet compliance
day 148: 270.9lbs. A shining example on how my days should be going. 9.4/10

Diet: Lots of fish before bed ~1000 calories, started drinking beverages with Stevia only.

Training: Jogging/HIIT 5 miles ~1000 calories.

Grappling - 1 hour, light.
Day 149: 269.5 lbs excellent day.
Living a good life without laptop. Reading books like booklets.
Calories around 1200 today. All from whole foods. I am eating after 6 so satiety not a problem.
No training but active
day 150... its been a while now: 268.8lbs (266.2 after the workout and drinking).

Stayed whole day in library doing job search. Going to have a lunch with an executive on 23rd, we shall see what will happen. Finished another good book: "On Leadership" by Gardner - very comprehensive, not like most modern books attempting to include couple of motivational ideas and sell from it, this feels like a life's work on what makes leaders tick. Recommend it. I also liked "FBI, the enemies" - as a Russian, it was interesting to see just how far the hunt for the "reds" went in the states during the Hoover's times. I have read "tribes" - basically, couple of good lessons there, but not worth paying for - just torrent the audiobook. I would also recommend reading up on acting techniques, surprisingly, acting seems to borrow a lot from old school martial arts.

Today's training: HIIT - around 3 miles, 500 calories. 20 minute arm workout. Relatively active day in the library.

Diet: Will update later. Planning to eat lots of fish and tomato omelet.
Around 1650 calories today. Felt very agitated and tense. I drink ridiculous amount of teas, maybe that's why.
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Day 151: 267.5lbs. Good day so far.

Dieting for me is like surfing damn it. Yesterday was a make or break point (almost caved in due to lack of energy, apathy, hunger ), even though I ended up with slightly higher calories - I made it.

Although of course I have said the same thing in the past.

Training: 4 miles, HIIT ~700 calories. I am starting to believe that "afterburn" is not negligible. I feel the my body is working hard and moving blood around for 2-3 hours after I run. I can't explain it, but burning 700 calories through walking and through HIIT is NOT the same.

Diet:Will update later but aiming for ~Around 1200 calories. Made a mistake of drinking French Vanilla, little bitch has 250 calories!@@!.

Sleep is still f$cked up - has slept for 3-5 hours for the last 3 days. However, I am surprisingly fresh during the day. However, mental work is kind of a challenge.

My knees are.... improving by 50-70%. I think lack of jogging contributed to knee pain. Maybe it allows for better blood flow or something.
Day 152: 262 (!!!) lbs. Had a major swoosh/dehydration(?), I know i didn't lose 10 pounds of pure fat yet, however, it was a pleasant surprise this morning.

I honestly don't get what triggered it - I ate around 1300 calories yesterday, and I only wrestled/practiced at 30% last night.

Saw Expendables 3 last night... maybe disgust with myself that I have paid 12$ for that piece of @#$@#$, @#$$@, @#$@#$,@#$%%@@#$ forced me to drop so much water...and they didn't even show Ronda's ass clearly enough. f@#$@# sh#$ #$@%@*()&.

Mel Gibson was the only actor in that movie, the rest ... @#$%.

Diet: Will eat a bit more today.
Day 152: - around 7000 calories.
Day 153: around 6000 calories.
Day 154: 2200 calories.

Weight 272lbs.
Didn't crash - my friend is leaving soon, so we spent weekend at a cottage grilling, drinking and so on. Gained ~2 lbs of fat, but that was a conscious choice.
Today: house cleaning 3 hours. Hiit - 600 calories.
Had a lot of fun this weekend...especially with buying 420. But time to get back to work.
Had a lot of fun this weekend...especially with buying 420.

^ I asked every young person in a small country... some hilarious moments
day 155: Diet: Chinese rest. (good one, not panda express), pork liver, tendonds, ears, lamb kebab etc. ~2100-2200 calories. HIIT on treadmill - 600 calories.
Was an active day, cleaning my place and helping my ex "distress". Shouldn't have done it.
Day 156: 269.5 lbs.
Here is a pic at 263lbs on Friday.

Need better quality.

Today: Boxing Bag work: 1 hour, kettle bell circuit - 30 minutes(hard).


Figured out why I dropped so much water weight last week. I started to drink everything with Stevia and Splenda to trim calories. I don't know why but that thing ( in high doses at least) makes me wee every 5 minutes. Also creates uncomfortable feeling in my bladder.

Selling my baby girl now, going to be tough. She has served me well for 6 years.
Day 157: 264.1 lbs
With weight loss allowed myself a treat at macdonalds. Signed up for a 5k run at Toronto zoo. It is a goal that I can focus on. Right now I don't think I can even run 3 miles without stopping.

Calories 1750
Training Hiit - 540 calories. Lots of study.
Getting my laptop tonight.

Day 158: 263.9 lbs. I am on a roll b$tches! Pic update - a bit carb depleted and morning-flat.



Training: Morning Interval Training - 2.7 miles. ~350 (said 430, but I don't believe that old treadmill) calories.
Boxing Pad work - 1 hour, Wrestling - 1 hour, Kettlebells - 10 minutes, Rehab - 30 minutes.

Note: In addition to trying to hit my micros from food - I also take double dose of multivitamin, and don't forget x2 dose of Fish Oil.

I am thinking about buying calcium and zinc supplement - I seem to lack them in a regular diet.
Day 159: 262.3 lbs. Was looking good that morning.

Whole day I felt lethargic as hell, i would get tired just by walking on the stairs. Apathy and slight depression creeped in. I decided to have a cheat day, and, finally, this was a normal cheat with around ~4000 calories eaten.

Except an oat bar and bounty (which BOTH HAVE 400 calories, Cheesus, I had no idea ), I did alright. Ate mango, korean food, 2 panini's from Tim Hortons.

Watched New Batman Cartoon and Snowpiercer movie - I give both 9.5/10 rating. Watch it.

Woke up today, feeling weak though. I look better because glycogen is replenished, actually I look the slimmest I have been in a year. I will eat at around 2000 calories today, just because I crave sweets so much, but this will be a good deficit still.

However, the weight shot up to 269 lbs... I don't know - it is just sad and annoying to see numbers jump like that after eating normally. I know I ate a lot of sodium with all that Kim Chi and carbs, but still - it is like you get stuck at 260 pounds, and you just can't break through.

Annoying, but I am sure as hell not giving up. I will break into 50s soon. Plus my looks have improved a lot over these 2 weeks. It is just weight fluctuation that is so damn annoying.

Also my hormones are in a disarray. I got horny as hell last evening, but depressed this morning ( A moral victory point for resisting the Pron temptation ).
Day 160: 269 lbs.
Day was alright. I realized that I just will be having days when I can't control myself with regards to food.

Today's calories ~5015 -+ 200. Cravings for sweets were insane, it's like my body forced me to eat them to feel alive lol.

I did the best I could to minimize the damage - I spent 2 hours in MMA gym, however, was lethargic still. Went jogging - 3 miles. So my TDEE today should be around (3200+600+450) = 4250.
Therefore caloric surplus is around ~800.

Plus last day's 500, therefore 1300 or 1/3 of a pound of fat gained over the last 2 days.

Next time "cheat" day comes in, I will focus on jogging first, then drinking less lattes and eating less candy, just focusing on large meals.

Alright, tomorrow is going to be a decisive battle for control, I will be taking EC stack, even though I hate that sh%t.