I’m gonna need a name
Tits McGeeI’m gonna need a name
Denture malfunction and naughty nostrils is a high probability. I'm like 98% positive he avoids mentioning HillaryOver / under on:
"But Hillary"
Denture malfunction
Coke nose sniffing
That's my favorite one. So great.booze isn't strong enough to let me sit through a Trump speech
Trump doesn't do coke, he's on meth pills.Over / under on:
"But Hillary"
Denture malfunction
Coke nose sniffing
7. I say over.Number of GOP standing ovations over under
Oh come on. I mean, I'll be drunk too, but you can't admit that you're super curious about how Trump's first SOTU will go? Will he actually be presidential, or will he treat it like a pro wrestling promo? This is history, motherfucker!booze isn't strong enough to let me sit through a Trump speech