2012 Mayberry Awards: Most Interesting/Significant Contributor

Gotta go with Dragonlord on this one. I think he works harder on Sherdog than I do at my job. Always love Gabe's threads and hearing about his experiences and hate to not pick him but Dragonlord deserves this.
I chose Dragonlord but I'll make an honourable mention for Gabe.
Gabe is a good second place, but the Dragon is lord...of xxx
dragonlord via movie threads
i woulda voted for that queer bj ginja for the fine polls he does
Do you like dragon ?
Cause ima be dragon these nuts across your face


i always use his thread before watching a movie
Dragonlordxxxxx is my #1 source for movie news, and has been for years. True story.
This isn't even a contest. Dragonlordxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx blows everyone else away. The guy is like a machine.
P.S> I know it's 2013 and this was a shameless bumb
Dragon gets my vote but Gabe's threads are great, too.
You're up there yourself BJJNinja, you selfless sonuvagun.